liam dunbar ♞ spirits are telling me you're a dumbass

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Requested by: frootloopland

You and Liam loved Halloween, ever since you were kids you loved it. Every year you would dress up together and your parents would take you both trick or treating. Now you both are in high school, and still obsess over the Holiday. Right now you both are in the Halloween store, preparing for the big day.

"Liam, which color red looks better for the blood?" You asked, holding up two gallons of fake blood.

"Defiantly the darker red." He replied.


You got the blood and put it in the shopping cart. You and Liam then headed over to the costumes.

"What are we going to be this year?" He asked.

"I don't know. We've pretty much done everything." You said.

"Looking for couples costumes?" Asked a store employee coming up to you both.

"Oh no, we aren't a couple." You told her.

"Oh. Well can I still help you with something?"

"No, I think we're good. Thank you though." The lady walked away and you turned to Liam. He looked upset. "What's wrong with you?" You asked.

"Nothing, let's just keep looking."

You kept walking around the store and found some additional things for each others houses. You then stumbled upon a crystal ball.

"Liam, look!" You said in excitement. You both walked over to the ball and you sat down in front of it. You put your hands over it like a genie. "Sit, young boy." You said, pointing to the seat in front of you. Liam laughed.

"What do you see?"


You both sat in silence while you pretended to see things in the crystal ball. Liam soon broke the silence.



"I figured out what we should be for Halloween."

"And what's that?"

"Werewolves." You laughed at Liam answer.

"Oh my god, I think the crystal ball is working. The spirits are telling me you're a dumbass." You said, still laughing.

"That's not nice. Why can't we be werewolves?" Liam asked, genuinely confused.

"Because we can't dress up as ourselves Liam. Plus, you have like zero control." You told him.

"I have control when I'm with you."

"That's ever the only time. Why do you think Scott makes me watch you constantly."

"What?" Liam asked. You realized what you had said. You looked at Liam.

"Liam I-"

"Save it."

Liam got up and ran out of the store. You ran out after him. He went towards the woods. You listened for his heartbeat, and when you heard it, you immediately knew you needed to find him. It was beating too fast and too loud, he was going to turn and hurt someone if he had the chance.

You ran as fast as you could towards the sound of his heartbeat, and you eventually found him laying against a tree.

"Liam?" No response. "I didn't mean what I said, okay? I love being with you all the time, you're my favorite person. I don't watch you because Scott makes me, I do it because I care. I never want to see you get hurt." Liam turned around and looked at you, his eyes a bright yellow. They started changing back.

"You mean it?"

"Liam, you're my best friend, of course I mean it."

"Thanks, Y/N."

"Now, can we get back to the store and pay for our stuff?" You asked, smiling.

"Oh, yeah."

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