dating theo raeken...[headcanon]

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dating theo raeken and being stiles stilinski's sister would include...

—Stiles hating Theo and forbidding you to date him

—You dating Theo anyway

—Having to hide it from everyone

—Stiles eventually finding out and trying to kill Theo

—"Stiles, I love her. I would never hurt her."

—"You what?"

—Being all cute and whatnot together at school and Lydia having to hold back Stiles

—Stiles always interrupting your make out sessions with 'important information'

—"Hey guys, did you know that the ghost riders ride horses?"

—"Stiles! Get out!"

—Scott having to talk to Stiles periodically just so he doesn't do anything crazy like kill Theo

—"What are we not going to do?"

—"Kill Theo."


—"Yeah, because you said 'we' which means I can kill Theo"


What do you all think of my first headcanon?? I feel like it should've been longer. 

Make sure you vote and comment!! I love feedback :))

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