theo raeken | didn't like the way he was touching you

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requested by: beautifulmax2001


It had been two months since Theo came back from hell, two months since you two started dating, three months since Derek left, and four months since you and Derek had broken up. You thought about the memories, the good and the bad, while waiting for Liam and Scott to be done with lacrosse practice. 

Your twin brother, Stiles, wasn't happy when you told him you and Theo were dating. He threw as many fits as he could, but he didn't get his way. You were giving Theo another chance to change, and so far, he was. 

As you were deep in thought, someone poked both your sides and made you squirm. 


"Hey beautiful." Theo said, sitting next to you and kissing your cheek. You punched his arm, complaining that he always does that to you, and how much you hate it. "Oh you loveeee ittttt." Theo said, wrapping his arm around you. 

"Whatever." You spatted. 

While the two of you were talking, Lydia texted you, telling you there was a party at Derek's loft.

"Do you want to go to a party tonight?" You asked Theo.


Scott and Liam were finally done, and you told them about the party, and everyone agreed they'd be going. You and Theo went back to your house to get ready, Stiles not thrilled when Theo walked in the door.


You were dancing with Lydia when Theo cut in and pulled you to him. You two started grinding and swaying to the music, and Theo was all over you. He was kissing your neck, your jawline, your lips, everything. 

Suddenly, the music stopped, and everyone went silent. Theo was then thrown across the room. You saw the culprits back, and immediately knew who it was. Theo was thrown against the wall, and you quickly ran to him.

"Derek!" You screamed. You pulled Derek off of Theo and stood in front of him. You looked at Theo to make sure he was ok, and when he nodded, you turned back around to Derek. "What the hell?!" You yelled. 

"I didn't like the way he was touching you." Derek said simply, anger in his voice.

"He's my boyfriend Derek. So you can't just do that! I didn't like seeing you with Braedon after we broke up, but I learned to deal with it because you moved on. Why can you move on and I can't?" Derek didn't say a word. He stood there speechless. You turned to Theo, and quietly ask if you can go home.  He nodded, kissing your head and walking away. 

When you get home you remember that Stiles is at Scott's house and your dad is working the night shift. 

You throw the front door open in frustration, throwing your stuff on the floor, and storm off to your room. Theo locks the front door and picks your things up and goes to your room. He finds you laying face down on your bed, puts your stuff down, and sits next to you. Theo begins to rub your back to calm you down, and tells you sweet things to make you feel better. You get up and sit in his lap, putting your head on his chest. He kisses your temple and starts rubbing your thigh. 

You finally calm down and decide to change out of your outfit. You pull your shirt over your head and take off your jeans, just wearing your underwear and one of Theo's t-shirts. 

Theo watches you the whole time, and grabs you and pulls you to stand between his legs. His hands are on the back of your thighs and his chin rests on your stomach, him looking up at you. You play with his hair, as one of his hands squeezes your butt. 

"Theo!" You gasp. You start laughing, and push him onto the bed and climb on top of him. You two start making out, but suddenly there's a knock on your front door. Theo groans and you get off of him and walk down stairs to see who it is. 

When you open the door, Parrish is standing outside. 

"Jordan? What are you doing here?"

"Your dad wanted me to make sure you were ok. Stiles told him what happened, so he needed to know you were safe. You weren't answering your phone either."

"Tell him I'm sorry. My phone is still in my bag on silent. I'm sorry." 

"If that's Derek I'm going to be pissed because I was really enjoying that -" Theo stopped talking as he saw Parrish at the door. "I was really enjoying that movie we were watching." Parrish rolls his eyes and tells you to call your dad, which you do, and then you close the door as you hear Parrish drive away. 

Theo presses you against the door and continues where you left off. You giggle as he picks you up and carries you back to your room. 


i really hope you enjoyed!! i liked writing this one!

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