isaac lahey (feat. the pack) || gif imagine

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requested by: karinita021


You and the pack decided that a trip to the beach was needed, especially after the stressful week you all have had. 

You were excited, but also nervous. The pack knew you were a supernatural creature, but they didn't know which one exactly. 

"Ready to go?" Scott asked the group.

"I can't believe you got Derek to come with us." Stiles said.

"I'm only coming to supervise." Derek made clear. You all laughed and rolled your eyes, then got into Scott's van. 

The whole way over you listened to pop songs that Derek hated, and made fun of Stiles. You stayed cuddled next to your boyfriend, Isaac in the backseat, and Lydia sitting on the other side of you. 

"Why did we have to bring scarf boy?" Stiles questioned, referring to Isaac. 

"He's part of our pack."


You finally got to the beach, and Stiles bolted to the water. The rest of you unloaded the beach chairs and whatnot, then headed for the shore. You found Stiles, already swimming in the ocean with his snorkel on. 

"Well this should be fun." Isaac said to you, then giving you a kiss. 

"It will be." You smiled at him. 

You and Lydia set out your towels on the sand, Derek and Isaac sitting in a beach chair, and Scott joining Stiles in the water. 


As the sun was going down, and very few people were on the beach, you decided it was time to show the pack what kind of creature you were. 

"Hey guys." You said to the group. "I have to show you something." You walked into the water, the pack following you, but stopping at the edge.

"What is she doing?" Stiles questioned, a smile on his face.

His question was quickly answered when you dipped under water and turned. You came back up, floating on the surface, your beautiful blue tail showing. 

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"SHE'S A FREAKING MERMAID!" Stiles shouted, Scott quickly covering his mouth

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"SHE'S A FREAKING MERMAID!" Stiles shouted, Scott quickly covering his mouth. 

You turned back and got out of the water, approaching them. 

"Why didn't you tell us, oh my god Y/N!" Lydia said in excitement. 

"Because I wanted to be able to show you." You responded. 

"Well I have officially seen it all. Goodnight everybody!" Stiles said, walking back to Scott's van. 

As the others got everything together and headed for the van, Isaac just looked at you. 

"What?" You asked. 

"You're so freaking gorgeous." Isaac told you. He wrapped his arm around you, walking you both back to the van.

"You all better not start making fish puns!" You shouted. 

"No promises Ariel."


aww i think that turned out cute! hope yall enjoy !

make sure to vote!!!

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