scott mccall ♘ gif imagine [3]

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Scott McCall//"Don't say that. Not now. Not after everything."//Requested by: svenskrosa

Scott didn't know how he could make you forgive him for what he did. He cheated on you. Emotions got the best of him, and that's why he did it. At least, that's what he told himself.

Scott would try talking to you at school, on your way home, and at your house. He would come by almost every night to try and make you forgive him, but nothing worked. This was one of those nights.

It was pouring outside, thunder and lightning in the sky. You didn't think Scott would come that night, but the knock on your front door told you otherwise.

You opened the door to see Scott standing there, drenched with water.

"Scott, go home."

"Y/N, please. I love you, only you more than anyone and anything. I—"

"Don't say that. Not now. Not after everything. Don't tell me you love me, you don't even know what love is Scott. Love is being loyal and honest and so much more, nothing getting in the way of that. You let so much get in the way of those things. Go home Scott. Now."

"And please, stop bothering me

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"And please, stop bothering me. It's going to take a long time before I forgive you, so give me space."

"Fine. I love you, Y.N. Goodnight." Scott walked back to his car and drove off. You walked back into your house, a tear spilling down your cheek.

As soon as Scott got far enough away from your house, he stopped. He slammed his fist against the stirring wheel, and then laid his head against it.

"You're a freaking idiot Scott. A freaking idiot."


this made me sad while i was writing it bc scott is a cute puppy and i never see him doing this :(

anyway, y'all should go follow me on twitter and instagram!! 

twitter: argangianna (main account, but amazingly funny omg) ; simplytbs (fan-account, but i don't use it as much as my main) 

instagram: argangianna (main account, private) ; laheymaze (fan-account) 

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