jackson whittemore ♞ took you long enough

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Requested by: Anonymous

You and Jackson have liked each other for years, but never told each other anything. Jackson seems like he wouldn't be scared to do anything, but he always chickened out when it came to asking you out on a date.

Right now you, Jackson, Lydia, Scott, Stiles, Allison, and Isaac were at Scott's having a lazy day. No worrying about threats, just being teens.

"Do not let Stiles pick the movie!" You shouted.

"And why not?"

"Because it'll be Star Wars again."

"That's not true." Stiles defended.

"Then what were you going to pick?" You questioned.

"Umm, not Star Wars?"

"That's what I thought."

Scott ended up choosing The Giver, and you all were now laying down on the couch's in the living room.

Half way through the movie, Jackson got up and went into the kitchen. You needed to get a new drink anyway, so you followed.

"Hey." You said, walking to the fridge.

"Hey." It was silent. "Can I ask you something?" Jackson questioned.

"Shoot." You sat up on the counter.

"Well, I was wondering, umm... if you, Y/N, would like to go out. Like just us, not the pack. Unless you want the pack there? I mean I don't, but... oh god I never ramble like this." When Jackson stopped talking you took your chance and spoke.

"Are you asking me out on a date?" You questioned.


"I would love to go on a date with you."

"Really?" He asked.


"You don't care that I'm a crazy psycho lizard?" You laughed.

"No, I don't."

You both walked back into the living room, and the whole pack was looking at you.

"You couldn't have been anymore awkward." Isaac said to Jackson.

"Oh shut up Lahey."

You and Jackson sat next to each other on the couch and Scott played the movie.

"Finally." Jackson mumbled.

"Yeah, it took you long enough." Isaac said.


"Sorry, sorry."

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