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Neither of them spoke, Yu Yuan couldn't see the prince's gaze behind him, and he didn't dare to look at the housekeeper again.

He felt like a piece of pastry on a plate with a knife and fork pressing against him.

After struggling again to no avail, Yu Yuan had no choice but to beg for mercy, "You two...let me go first?"

If you have something to say, don't move your hands and feet as soon as you come up.

It's a pity that other people don't think the same as him, and the action of holding him has become heavier.

"Where are you hiding?" This time it was the housekeeper who spoke.

Yu Yuan wanted to say that you are both repeaters under the same program, but he opened his mouth and didn't dare to say it.

He tentatively replied, "I'm going out for a walk."

Hearing this, the prince who turned his back seemed very interested: "Want to go to the cemetery or the rose garden? I'll be with you."

Yu Yuan continued, "Who would go to the cemetery in the middle of the night?"

"Then go to the rose garden." The prince gestured to take him away.

No, you're too kind, I'll thank you for letting me go.

The faces of the people in the middle were full of resistance, and they felt that if they didn't want to do anything, they would be divided into two and a half.

"I'm not leaving." Yu Yuan rolled his eyes and said, "Can you let go first?"

From an angle he couldn't see, the other two looked at each other and relaxed their movements, but still caught the person in the middle.

Yu Yuan surrendered with both hands: "What do you want me to do?"

"Go back to sleep."

He confessed, turned around actively, squeezed past the prince with difficulty, and walked towards the coffin at a slow speed like a turtle.

Looking at the back full of decadence in front of him, the prince had a faint smile in his eyes, while the butler had a cold face that remained unchanged for thousands of years, and the silver-rimmed glasses reflected a cold light.

Yu Yuan was like a fish that he had been re-frying in the pot, he slowly turned it back into the coffin, and deliberately set aside half of the space.

Covering himself with a cloak, he wanted to see who of the two lay in.

However, his planned plan did not work.

I saw that the butler brought two back chairs from nowhere, and sat down with the prince.

The prince's sitting posture is very casual, half of the cloak is draped over his knees, while the butler is sitting upright.

The only thing they have in common is that they are both looking at Yu Yuan.

The person being stared at has simply complained about the game design all over the place.

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