163: Extra II (1)

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Yu Yuan is an ordinary priest in the Holy See. The only thing that is special may be that he has an affinity that seems to be innate and can influence various races. Therefore, even many monsters in the city like to come to him for confession. , he can be said to be the most favorite human priest of non-human races such as monsters.

This can also be called a strange landscape inside the Holy See.

However, sometimes Yu Yuan is also a little distressed, because many of the people who come to him for confession are not people, so when faced with some questions, he may not be able to answer - for example, he is sitting on the side of the confession room, and the other With a carved wooden window, sitting on the other side is a Mr. Vampire.

"Father, I have to warn you about the sin I want to commit. In fact, every day I look forward to turning a human being I care about into a blood race like me who can only live under the dark night... ..."

Yu Yuan listened to the "self-confession" of the vampire next door with some headache, and listened to the other party's description of how wonderful that human breath was to the vampire, but how unbearable the other party did not want to hurt the human. Hearing the end, Yu Yuan, as a priest, naturally had to give his own advice.

The vampire who came to confess to the priest clearly described his feelings for a certain human being, which made Yu Yuan a little dazed for a while, as if he was not just a listener, but the other party was pouring out his feelings to him. ...

No, how could he think that?

"Although there is indeed a big difference between blood races and humans, if you are really like what you said, ahem, I mean that you really love each other," Yu Yuan touched his nose a little embarrassedly when he said these words. "Maybe you can try to communicate with the other party, maybe you still have a chance, but please don't do anything illegal." The

most important thing is to appease the blood clan, forcibly assimilating human beings into a blood clan must not be done. matter.

"Thank you for your persuasion, Father," the visitor across the window smiled, stood up and was about to leave, "Thank you very much today, maybe we will have the opportunity to meet in the future."

When this visitor left, Yu Yuan, who was in charge of staying in the confession room today, couldn't leave. He had to receive one after another until the evening. But on the other side of the confession room, where he couldn't see it, the silver-haired vampire visitor didn't get too far.

This vampire wears a pair of silver-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, and the silver chain hangs down from his ear very elegantly, and his silver hair is naturally meticulous, and he also wears a brooch symbolizing family identity on his chest. He stopped when he reached the entrance of the church, not because of anything else, but because he met someone he shouldn't have met here -

"When did the werewolves start to come to the church?" Mr. Vampire could see who the other party was. Afterwards, he raised his eyebrows in dissatisfaction, "Edgar Wiggins, the werewolf of the Wiggins family, it's really hard for you to appear in such a place."

The young man blocking his way was white-haired. The indifferent expression, in a sense, is very similar to people of the same style, but the most obvious ones are the pair of wolf ears on the top of the man's head and the tail exposed behind him. Anyone can instantly see the identity of a werewolf.

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