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Before the ninth cub was born, the current cubs were the first to go wrong - two of the little ones were sick.

Yu Yuan had prepared some medicines for monster cubs early in the morning, but he didn't know whether it was because the sick groundhog and the seaweed dragon month were too young or what. Some improvement. So next, he proposed his plan to the black dragon.

"You want to take them to live in the human world?" Heilong frowned when he heard this, full of dissatisfaction.

"The living conditions of living in a cave are definitely not as good as those on land. I will rent a wooden house by the port. Seaweed dragons and octopuses can also enter the water at any time." The black cat patiently reasoned with the other party, "In case the next It will be troublesome to get sick again.”

The black dragon looked like it was about to breathe fire, but it was not unreasonable to think about it, but if Yu Yuan was really allowed to return to the human world, it would not be willing, and could only pace back and forth at the entrance of the cave.

In the end, as if making a major decision, it finally said: "No, you and me will go back to the Dragon's Nest."

"...Are you serious?" The black cat really didn't expect the other party to say such a thing.

"Let's go tonight." Heilong solemnly announced.

"Family relocation" is not a big project, Yu Yuan's own game backpack is not enough and he has to buy it from the mall, but more importantly, these eight cubs are living creatures and not his Pets can't be put into backpacks, they have to be carried by themselves.

Because he has to ride across the sea on the back of the dragon, the cubs are easy to fall off, so of course they have to be brought by him, which is also a bit troublesome and needs to be planned carefully. The eldest water-patterned bird can fly on his own now, the second marmot can be tucked in the collar, the older wind sheep has to carry a big bag on his back, the three water-type seaweed dragons, octopus, The jellyfish can only be aggrieved and squeezed into a fish tank temporarily, and the big-mouthed flowers are placed in pots. As for the extra thunder bats...

The newly born little bat finally stood on top of Yu Yuan's black curly hair, as if he regarded this place as some kind of "bird's nest" and stayed quite comfortable.

Because there are too many, in order to prevent the possibility of someone falling off and not being able to catch it, the black dragon can only choose to fly at a low altitude near the sea. The speed is also quite slow compared to normal, so it can be said that it is very cautious.

In some quiet moments, something seemed like a rock washed over by the waves, producing subtle changes that were imperceptible.

"You guys really seem like a family going out on an outing or something," Lin Ling commented, "But with your current appearance, you're more like a monster cub dealer..."

That's right, after all, whoever goes out will carry eight whole monster cubs, one on top of his head and one on his chest, one behind his back, holding the fish tank with one hand and the flower pot with one hand, and the water-patterned bird beside him, carrying the "eldest son" on his shoulders. ”, and occasionally the Thunder Bat could not sit still and fell down and even helped him.

A "family with many members" set off in such a mighty manner.

Under the night sky, the black dragon brushing at low altitude seems to be able to merge with the calm sea. The human mage riding on its back felt the sea breeze blowing across the face, with a hint of coldness mixed in it. At this moment, for the first time, he felt so deeply that adventure in this strange world was such a wonderful thing.

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