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Seeing that the black wolf hadn't reacted yet, the black cat stepped on its paws and shouted, "Follow me!"

Lin Ling: "You don't need to activate skills first, you can run away with the speed of a wolf."

Just like in the duel arena, the black cat rushed out as fast as the wind, like a black lightning bolt, and the black wolf, who realized it later, opened his legs and followed. No matter how fast the cat ran, it couldn't compare with the wolf. The black wolf stretched out his head and took the cat in his mouth before two steps, biting it tightly, for fear that it would fall off accidentally.

Seeing that the outsiders wanted to escape from the encircling group, the hordes of mud giants also chased after them with their mud tentacles, roaring from their mud mouths one after another, and their speed increased accordingly.

"You let it run straight ahead, choose the right at the fork, and then run until the monsters can't catch up." Lin Ling ordered while browsing the nearby maps and monster refresh points.

The black cat was shaken and dizzy, but shouted as loudly as possible: "Go to the right at the next intersection! Right!"

Naturally, the black wolf could not speak with it in its mouth, and the black cat called out several times, trying to make sure that the other party could hear its reminders in the roar of the monster. Then, it felt the black wolf stick out its tongue and lick the back of its neck a few times.

"..." This is the response I heard.

A wolf and a cat ran away from here, and behind them were the mud stone giants who were constantly flapping their tentacles. The monster never gave up. Fortunately, as Lin Ling said, the agility of these monsters is limited, and their speed is not very fast.

Seeing that they were about to reach a fork in the road, at this moment, something unexpected happened that they didn't expect--I saw a mud stone giant suddenly jumped out of the path on the right, and the huge size directly and completely blocked the way!

Lin Ling shouted very anxiously: "Let the black wolf kill this one, it can! The weak point is on the knees and legs, so it must go to the right!"

But all of this happened so fast that the black cat didn't have time to say anything, the mud tentacles came over in an instant, and the black wolf thought that he was still with the cat, he took a step back to the road on the left, and ran away without looking back. .

"What's on the left!" The black cat immediately asked Lin Ling when he saw that the mud stone giant blocked the retreat and had no chance to turn back.

Lin Ling was silent for a while, and then said, "You can still pull off the mud giant after running for a while, but you will pass by the refresh points of several other monsters, which are generated at random times..."

"How many refresh points are there? What monsters are there?"

"This road has been going on. There are [mushroom beasts] [flaming tigers] [three-eyed goshawks] [forest giant stone statues] at level 90..." Lin Ling said while looking at the page: "Generally Only players who have formed a group to brush equipment and adventure come here, and they have to start in a team of 10."

"Damn, can you add some luck attribute to me." The black cat is obviously very skilled in asking for plug-ins, "Quick, save us both."

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