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[It's so dark, can you turn on a light]

【M is here? You can't see anything just by hearing it.]

【I seem to be watching when I hear this gasp】

[Friends remember to turn up the brightness]

[Fuck, I see, the two of you seem to be hiding and having an affair]

The sound of the bell was getting closer and closer, and it could almost be estimated that Mrs. Anderson should now be on the street where the house was, and was slowly approaching. Followed by, there is a faint voice in the wind, as if humming a ballad softly. If the situation wasn't so urgent, he might be willing to appreciate it.

However, the existence of Mr. M really made this small space even more inaccessible, not to mention, Yu Yuan himself recalled what he "fabricated"...

So when I was talking to the Pope you were eavesdropping on you before I left!

After all, Mrs. Anderson still couldn't figure out how to find someone. Out of caution, Yu Yuan could only continue to stay in the closet and said in a low voice, "Why did you follow me for so long?"

"Mydear"'s message he prefers to be regarded as a provocative prank. This ghost, who can ignore many rules, is provoking the authority of the Holy See and even the Pope himself.

In the face of questioning, Mr. M looked very candid, "Didn't you already have a judgment - I came here to 'kill you'."

At the same time, the priest felt a hand trying to unbutton his clothes.

"What are you doing!" The priest's forehead was throbbing, and his blood pressure was raised. "Just talk and don't mess with it! Are you trying to kill us, or to help?"

He believed in the inference that "M" was "Murder".

【Isn’t it hot to wear so much in such a crowded place? 】

[Take it off, we are all friends, don't look outside [shy]]

[Or you can choose to come out]

【Father and Ghost Stickers】

Yu Yuan was about to physically "come out", he kicked someone suddenly and was about to open the door to go out, but the moment he pressed his hand on the door, the sound of bells and songs came from outside the window. Wake him up instantly.

But after such a short time, Mrs. Anderson actually came downstairs!

Realizing this, Yu Yuan broke out in a cold sweat. He had walked far enough, but Mrs. Anderson was able to chase after him accurately and quickly, and even locked his position directly on the entire empty street? How did she do it on such a large scale?

No, since the scope itself is large, in order to ensure that the game itself is difficult enough for the players, the BOSS must have some way of detecting, otherwise, they will search one house after another. move.

At this moment, Yu Yuan thought a lot. Although he didn't know how Mrs. Anderson was chasing him, his intuition told him that it was best not to go out rashly.

The game is designed to have balance, and this is aimed at both sides, and it is unlikely that players will be eliminated without knowing the rules at the beginning.

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