165: Extra II (3)

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    On the morning when it was time to leave for Sutton Kingdom, there was a knock on Father Yu Yuan's door before dawn. He got up and opened the door to see that it was Howard, the head of the knights who had a relationship last time.

    "Father, we're leaving."

    "You're leaving so early?" Yu Yuan rubbed his eyes.

    "It's a long way, it's better to start early." Howard smiled.

    In fact, this was also a temporary order from King Durand, asking them to set off in advance. Fortunately, the priest did not show any dissatisfaction with this arrangement, and cooperated with Howard to go out after washing and changing clothes.

    Under the thin night sky, the two walked towards the direction outside the Holy See. Actually, Yu Yuan knew that he should go and say hello to His Majesty the Pope before he left, but maybe it was because yesterday's events made him feel a little strange, so he didn't go to see him.

    The carriage convoy was waiting not far from the Holy See. From a distance, Yu Yuan could see that the leader was King Durand, whom he had seen that day, and the other party was looking at him with a smile.

    "Your Majesty." The priest saluted.

    When he was about to get into the carriage, he realized that King Durand was going to ride in the same carriage with him. He couldn't help being a little surprised, "Am I with you?"

    "Of course, you are a distinguished guest of our country," Durand said with a smile: " You don't need to use my honorific title, just call me Durand."

    As he spoke, the carriage had already started. In the relatively spacious space, the priest and the king were on each side, but they were a little speechless.

    Yu Yuan was about to ask some questions about the evil dragon in Sutton Kingdom, but Durand asked the priest himself first. Yu Yuan had no choice but to answer them one by one, unaware that these questions were being asked one by one. More private, in the heart of the priest, King Durand is still a very trustworthy person.

    The king took the initiative to approach him, and the unsuspecting priest naturally said everything. And when he heard that the priest had been growing up in the Holy See and was cared for by the Pope, Durand still frowned a little imperceptibly, but he returned to his normal appearance in a flash, all of which were not noticed by the priest.

    It would take at least two days to travel from the Holy See to the royal city of Sutton Kingdom, no matter how fast the road was, and the carriage would inevitably be a little bumpy, and Yu Yuan fell asleep by accident as it was noon.

    He was unaware of the outside world after falling asleep, and he naturally didn't know that Durand quietly rested his head on his lap and gently stroked his face with his hands. The two spent the entire afternoon in this posture.

    As for how many people in the capital of the Holy See and the Papal States are looking for priests who have suddenly disappeared, that is not something Durand will care about.

    After the night, the group of them took a rest at the hotel, and they continued to set off tomorrow morning. It was raining lightly in the city where he settled down tonight, but Durand was very careful to put the cloak on the priest. Yu Yuan thought that one person should have a room in the hotel, but the boss said that it just so happened that there were not enough rooms.

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