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In the past few days, I don't know how many times I woke up from a coma, and Yu Yuan found that the place he was in had changed again.

He seems to have triggered some magical effect of "sleep and wake will change the place", and I don't know who moved him around.

It is similar to the place where I slept on the first night, but there are some differences in the bedroom in front of me. The piles of decorations that are always placed are mostly gold products, so many that it is a bit dazzling, and the rough aesthetics of the collectors can be seen.

It seems that he wants to hide all the good things here, just like the evil dragon who keeps the treasure.

And the coffin he was lying on when he woke up was even more exaggerated - with gold rims and gems, as if it wasn't a coffin at all, but a jewelry box that was magnified countless times.

The person lying inside is the hidden treasure.

At the same time, the housekeeper who was sitting on the side reading a book raised his head: "Wake up, are you better?"

Hearing this, the prince who was lying on the sofa also got up.

Yu Yuan almost suspected that there was a problem with his eyesight, and there was a bloodstain on the prince's face.

This reminded him of what happened before. The prince seemed to have done something... Then, he performed the act of sucking blood.

He couldn't help but put his tongue against his back molars, and there was no **** smell in his mouth, as if someone had dealt with it.

No one spoke, all waiting for him to open his mouth first.

Yu Yuan looked suspiciously at the wound on the prince's face, then looked at Lambert who was calm and composed, and finally touched his pointed ears that were closer to the appearance of the blood clan.

Noticing his inquiring gaze, the prince snorted coldly.

The attitudes of these two people are strange, Yu Yuan feels that even if the brain cells are all dead, he can't figure out a clue.

Don't vampires get better if they get hurt? And what happened last night?

Thinking to no avail, he simply put it aside for now. The time limit given by Mission 7 was three days, so he had to hurry up, or it was more important to complete this matter.

"What time is it now?" With only a few candles for lighting, Yu Yuan looked around, "Can I go out for a walk?"

"Twelve noon." The butler took out his pocket watch and glanced at it, "I suggest you stay in the castle first."

Yu Yuan managed to regain his focus and hurriedly said, "I just want to go out for a walk, I won't run around."

Focusing on the tasks to be completed, he looked at the two back and forth and said, "...you can look at me, I can't leave anyway."

The prince and Lambert looked at each other.

The latter hesitated for a while before nodding slightly: "After ten o'clock in the evening, yes."

Presumably this is the regular activity time of the blood clans, and it will take ten hours to wait.

Yu Yuan put it away as soon as he saw it, but at this moment, he was hugged by the butler's arms, trying to help him out of the coffin.

Purely out of subconsciousness, Yu Yuan couldn't help but exclaimed. The slight voice was like a milk cat's cub, as if there was still a little lingering sound in his ears.

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