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The third time, the housekeeper interrupted Yu Yuan: "You said before that you will feel uncomfortable eating unpeeled apples, not all apples."

Yu Yuan realized what it means to be self-inflicted again today.

You have such a good memory, why do you want me to repeat it.

I have evidence to suspect that you are just playing with my mentality.

While the two stumblingly finalized this "feeding guide", the prince sat next to him with an expression that had nothing to do with him watching the show.

It can be seen that these two vampires are completely two types: one is the free-range school that loves whatever you want, and the other is the academic school that is full of research spirit.

Yu Yuan didn't want to make up any more, he had a feeling that he was "digging a hole for himself to jump in".

But on second thought, if you don't do it for nothing, just in case the other two people really give up.

When the long list was finalized, the housekeeper promised again: "I will make you feel comfortable."

Thank you so much.

As soon as the prince raised his hand, Yu Yuan felt that the restraint on his body was gone.

"Okay, he's mine until twelve o'clock today." The prince walked to Yu Yuan's side, put his hand on him, and looked at the housekeeper, "Lambert, this is what we discussed."

The housekeeper nodded: "Go back here at twelve o'clock."

"No," Yu Yuan interrupted their exchange, "Should you ask my opinion?"

I just said that "human beings like to be alone", but just turn around and forget about it?

"Okay." The prince was very generous. "The time before twelve o'clock is mine, or Lambert, you choose."

"...I need to be alone."

"Also," the prince thought for a while, "then I'll take you to the study. It's big enough, and we have a corner for each of us."

After speaking, he took the people away, and the housekeeper remained in place.

The half-forced Yu Yuan didn't try to resist, but the prince was about to pick him up, "I can help you if you don't want to leave."

"...I can walk by myself." Yu Yuan followed behind, keeping a certain distance.

The prince took him up to the third floor and pushed open a door.

This study is like a small library, big enough to hold an afternoon tea party. There are dozens of wooden bookcases piled up with various books, and there seem to be more inside.

"If you want, you can read here." The prince locked the door with his backhand, walked to a couch, and lay down.

Yu Yuan heard something in his words: "Can I go anywhere else?"

The prince, with his eyes closed, patted the place left beside him: "Come and sleep with me without reading a book."

"I'm going to read a book now."

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