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A small boat sailed into the Xinghe River and slowly headed towards the lighthouse on the other side of the lake. It was as if what happened here had no connection with the outside world at all, creating an independent world, and there were only two people left in this world, Mr. M and the priest.

"Give me an oar?" The priest was about to reach the middle of the lake, when the priest saw that the boat's speed gradually slowed down, thinking that Mr. M was tired, and offered to help.

Mr. M smiled and made a very unexpected behavior - he threw the two oars down. The wood pulp caused faint ripples on the lake surface, and it dissipated in the blink of an eye.

"Damn it, what are you doing!" The priest was so frightened that he even spoke swear words. This is quite a long distance from the shore and the dark lake water, how could they go back if they couldn't row a boat.

He just jumped up to save the oar, but he was still a step behind. This time, he accidentally fell on Mr. M. The small canoe, which was not big, swayed slightly, so that it didn't overturn directly.

【M scheming dog】

[Laughing to death, I just came back from the Goddess's live broadcast room, it turns out that the boat was robbed by M]

【How can you call a love affair a robbery】

[My mind is full of doi on the boat, will it capsize]

Perhaps a boat that could not hold more than one person, and now the two on board are clinging to each other. Regarding the atmosphere created by the barrage, the ignorant priest paid attention to only one question, "How to get back to shore?"

He should have known long ago that Mr. M is not an NPC at all.

Seeing the priest struggling to get up, Mr. M, who was pinned down, said with a half-smile, "Don't move, you really can't go back if the boat capsizes."

"What the **** are you crazy about throwing the pulp down?" The priest was very annoyed.

"It's not good to be here? It's just the two of us, and no one else bothers." Mr. M, who was clearly in the lower position, still took the initiative, and wrapped his hands around the other's back to wrap the priest in his arms from top to bottom. "The most important thing is Yes - you can't go either."

Yu Yuanxin said that you seem to be seriously ill, and you can't leave if I can't leave.

"I still have things to do, so I don't have time to make trouble with you."

"Kiss me and I'll let you go," Mr. M suddenly changed his words and said solemnly, "You can't row the boat yourself anyway."

Priest: "..."

It is not illegal to kill ghosts in the game.

Seeing that the priest's "killing intent is growing", Mr. M not only did not panic, but even continued to add fuel to the fire, "You don't have to get off the boat on your own."

There is still a considerable distance from the shore, and the lake water is very deep. Although Mr. M is extremely out-of-control and likes to have nothing to do, he is right about one thing - he can't get off the boat by himself.

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