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Not to mention until the next morning, even if he was given another three days or a week, Yu Yuan himself would not be able to figure out why his game character would appear to be married, but he could not even figure out who the other party was. Only know one name.

However, if it is "LU"... For a moment, Yu Yuan even remembered that the signature that Mr. Lu used when designing the game eggs in the early days seemed to be "LU", but the name can be repeated in the game. Maybe there are thousands of LUs.

He even asked a colleague from the next department to help him check his account information, but the answer he got was that everything was normal, and the bound marriage relationship was an empty account with no information, just like a bug.

However, when Yu Yuan went online and wanted to unilaterally dissolve the marriage, there was still a seven-day cooling time, but there was no other choice.

Early in the morning, he wanted to walk over the wall to avoid Carle, but he didn't expect Carle to squat at the door as soon as he opened the door, carrying a small paper box with delicate packaging in his hand.

"...The cake I bought for you." Carley shoved the box into his hand involuntarily.

The flattered Yu Yuan originally thought that the Tyrannosaurus would start questioning this and that very early in the morning, but he didn't expect that Carle's temper had grown too much compared to the first time they met, so he had to take the box and go to work. The place to walk, while trying to explain to Calle.

"I don't know why there is that, um, the marriage relationship has been dissolved anyway, and I will go through the adoption procedures for the little black cat later."

The little chinchilla standing on Yu Yuan's shoulder let out a cry, fanning the dragon wings and trying to fly a little, but failed again, and could only express excitement with a bark.

"Meow, meow~"

Mom and Dad can be together again!

Lin Ling said quietly: "You really have changed from a widowed family to a family with children maintaining relationships."

Yu Yuan: "Shut up."

A sunny morning, as if all the things that were tangled up the night before had a good outcome today.

From this day on, everyone in the Port Mage Association can see a landscape. A magic teacher in their association is being followed by the monster with dragon horns in his house every day, as if staring at Mage Yuyuan for a second, It seems to disappear. And if you ask Master Yu Yuan about their relationship, he will politely say that the two are just friends.

As for the actual situation, each may have their own views.

Yu Yuan lived in a dormitory in the Mage Association and had his own salary, while Kalai rounded up and now he has become a "jobless dragon". One day, Carle heard someone asking Yu Yuan who was supporting the family, and inexplicably began to be competitive, so he disappeared for a few hours that afternoon, and when he came back, he even caused a lot of shock to Yu Yuan who came back from get off work.

For nothing else, just because when he came back and saw that his room was all covered with gold, there was almost no place to stay, and everyone would be frightened that their blood pressure would soar on the spot.

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