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The moment he opened his eyes, Yu Yuan met a pair of dark gray eyes.

"Did you sleep well?"

Yu Yuan noticed that the opponent's hand was withdrawn at some point, and reluctantly said, "It's okay."

The one who said he didn't take a nap was himself, and he was the one who woke up later than the vampire.

He has been frequently beaten in the face recently, and he feels that the consumption of his face has increased sharply, and his face still hurts.

The pointer pointed to half past four, and the butler went out first. Yu Yuan was still in a state of being half asleep and not awake, and the coffin was a little taller. He stepped out one step and almost fell down.

The housekeeper reached out to support him: "Be careful."

Yu Yuan was reluctantly half-carried and half-held out.

There is something [wrestling in front of vampires] BUFF above my head.

Leaving the basement, Yu Yuan asked, "Where are you going?"

"Come with me to the kitchen."

The two walked one after the other, Yu Yuan felt like a doll like a decoration, taking it wherever he needed it.

The huge kitchen is located in the corner of the first floor. He thought he would see other servants here, but he didn't expect it to be empty.

In other words, everything is done by the housekeeper alone? Although he was suspicious in the morning, Yu Yuan still felt a little magical when he saw this scene.

Just thinking about it, the butler took off an apron from the wall, wrapped it around his waist, and spread out and tied back a long silver hair. He walked to the sink to wash his hands and asked, "What would you like to eat?"

Yu Yuan, who was stunned, was stunned: "Huh?"


"Uh, why don't you do it." Yu Yuan really didn't feel hungry. He was either reading or sleeping all day, and he didn't consume any energy.

"Isn't it what you said, 'Humans are very fragile and can't eat less than three meals a day'?" The butler pinned his sleeves up, exposing a forearm, and skillfully removed a sharp knife from the shelf, and tapped the cutting board with the tip down.

Yu Yuan, who finally got into his own body, said silently, "Just keep it simple."

Take out the processed ingredients from several cabinets, and the butler starts to process them. Wearing glasses and looking down and paying attention is more serious, as if what you are stirring under your hands is not cream, but a work of art.

Yu Yuan sat on the chair next to him like a mushroom, watching the smooth movements of the housekeeper, he had to admit that the advantage in appearance was really absolute. The appearance of these two NPCs is that there is no mistake at all, they are both perfect and offensive, which may be the reason why the prince is very popular among players.

It is estimated that the housekeeper should also attract the attention of female players. There are two styles when wearing or not wearing glasses. In a trance, it is a bit similar to the prince.

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