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When Yu Yuan found Lambert, the other party was standing on the roof terrace.

Above the head is the boundless night sky, a full moon hides its outline among the clouds, and the light it sheds is soft like a gauze.

Lambert was standing by the building, almost shaky. Hearing the sound of the door opening behind him, he turned his head and walked slowly towards the person.

"Yu, here you are."

Yu Yuan's scalp was numb from being stared at, and he couldn't help scratching his hair, "Winnie told me you were here."

Lambert seemed to laugh softly, "You should have done this long ago, in the most direct way."

The distance between the two was gradually narrowed by one of them. At this moment, a silver dagger appeared out of thin air in Yu Yuan's hand.

Now that the situation is like this, he also wants to end it as soon as possible.

Lambert certainly knew his intentions.

"From the beginning, you should tell me, tell me what you want." Lambert's pace is very slow, but every step is firm, "I said, I will give you anything."

Yu Yuan simply didn't know what to say.

For him, his purpose is very simple, just play a holographic game, do tasks in the game, play dungeons, make money, that's all, he is just one of countless players.

But for NPCs, the world is completely real.

The more realistic it is, the more the player's empathy can be enhanced, so that so many people can like this game from the bottom of their hearts.

Mixing the real with the real, blurring the boundaries between reality and virtuality is the success of the game.

Lambert stood still in front of Yu Yuan.

"Yu, I don't seem to know where you came from."

"If you can." A faint smile appeared on Lambert's face. "I want to know where you came from. The name 'Yu Yuan' always makes me feel very far away."

At this moment, Yu Yuan couldn't help but remember that, fortunately, he didn't pick up any strange IDs.

He didn't answer the other party, but out of some subconscious feeling, he couldn't help but ask the question that had been lingering in his heart for a long time.

"...do you know something?"

"What?" Lambert couldn't understand.

Yu Yuan gestured with his finger and said tentatively, "It's probably like magic, or... something about this world?"

"Lambert, I think you know something."

He had a hunch in the dark, maybe because of some details, and with Lambert's observation level, there may always be a day when he perceives something wrong.

And this should be the reason why he will be stuck in the game, the wrong program will not happen for no reason.

Yu Yuan never thought about why it was him. Obviously it is a copy of the five-person team, he is not the first person to contact the invitation letter props, but it is him.

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