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At this moment, the world seemed to be quiet.

The black cat standing in the palm of the wooden dragon did not wait for the imaginary death to be resurrected at the refresh point, opened his eyes, and looked into the eyes of a pair of dragons. The golden vertical pupils stared at it intently, as if seeing an incomparable treasure, and the black cat also opened a pair of vertical pupil cat eyes.

...a connection in some sense?

The wood-bone dragon didn't make the next move. The black wolf rushed up and wanted to bite, but the flying dragon flapped its wings and stopped in mid-air. Rao was as strong as a werewolf, and he had to face the fact that he couldn't reach his opponent at all. .

"What's the situation?" The black cat could only ask Lin Ling for help.

"Maybe, it likes you? It wants to get close to you when it sees such a weak animal?" Lin Ling made up his mind openly.

The wood-bone dragon still didn't move. Now that it was at a certain height from the ground, the black cat couldn't jump down rashly, but when he saw the angry black wolf standing on the ground, he knew that the other party was worried, so he had to try to communicate with the dragon.

"Can you understand me?"

The dragon still didn't respond, like a stone statue, but a pair of dragon eyes kept staring at it.

"Jump down and I'll catch you!" The black wolf, who couldn't reach the height, became more and more angry, and he was inevitably flustered, for fear that the little dragon would suddenly pinch the black cat.

The werewolves believed that they had few rivals in the jungle, but they couldn't stand the enemy's ability to fly, and they didn't plan to fight yet. This was an insurmountable gap.

Just when the black cat tried to communicate again and failed, considered jumping, and tried to escape under the eyes of the dragon, there was a noise not far away.

"Is it near here?"

"I think the coordinates are not far from here."

"Why did the head of the regiment disappear and he didn't reply, it's not a lie..."

In the team that kept getting closer, a loud voice caught everyone's attention.

"Come here! I saw that the wood-bone dragon is really here!"

At this time, the team of players that Black Cat had summoned to fight the wooden dragon.

Almost as soon as it was heard that this was the moment the player arrived, the black cat would jump down and run with the black wolf. Anyway, the wood-bone dragon flying off the ground had a bigger target, and the player's attack would attract all the hatred. But at this time, the flying dragon was disturbed by the movement caused by the players, as if realizing that an enemy was coming, it fluttered its wings and rose rapidly!

The black cat in the palm of the hand didn't expect this at all, and barely clawed on the edge to prevent it from falling from the height, but now that the dragon belt has risen to such a height, it is very likely that it will fall and fall into a problem.

The black wolf, who was already extremely angry, was even more annoyed when he saw this scene. He almost gnawed a wolf's teeth, and no one would want to watch the treasure that he had taken away from him. But at this moment, the wood-bone dragon that flew into the air suddenly moved in a certain direction, the black wolf didn't even think about it, even if he could run on the ground, he quickly chased after it.

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