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Hei Changzhi already knew something.

At this moment, in this room where Lily died, after experiencing a sudden change not long after the game started, Bigger finally couldn't bear it any longer, his hands clenched into fists, as if to sink his fingernails into his flesh.

"Shortly after hide-and-seek started, I happened to be hiding in a tavern..."

Lily's previous identity was a wine saleswoman, and players thought more than one person about "wine", and it was there that Bigger accidentally discovered a very important thing: his skills had an impact on those in the inner world. "Faceless NPCs" are actually useful.

Through continuous inquiries, it didn't take long to find out about Lily, and followed the NPC's guidance to a cellar that was almost blocked by a hanging rope. There should be clues in it, but I couldn't get in. If you touch it carefully, you will attract Mrs. And just when he was at a loss, he met Mushroom. Mushroom was a magician in the circus with a talent for agility. She avoided all hanging ropes and found a crumpled flyer in the cellar.

On the flyer is the address of a restaurant that sells cheap and low-priced wine. Intuitively, Bigger realizes that this is Lily's clue. However, it is here that he has a disagreement with Mushroom.

"I didn't want to hide it from you on purpose, I just, I just wanted to go see it myself!" Bigger held his head, "but she felt that I had to hide it from everyone, so I took her to the next door. Well, I wanted to investigate first, but she said to call you first, and the two of us started arguing. Unexpectedly, she bumped into a lot of ropes and called the boss..."

When he bowed his head, Bigger's eyes were covered a little by bangs, so maybe some people didn't see his full expression, but maybe some teammates guessed the more complete truth.

This is a game, but also a live broadcast. In particular, hide-and-seek needs other teammates to attract the attention of ghosts, so as to ensure that the place where he is is always absolutely safe. Bigger insists that he wants to investigate first. Nine times out of ten, it is also For the purpose of the program, it was as if he had the freshest news when he was in the media. As long as he was far ahead of everyone else in the progress of solving puzzles, the live broadcast would naturally be the best. Not calling teammates to come can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

But he made a mistake, killing one of his teammates because he didn't understand the full game mechanics.

"I also found that kind of leaflet, the number is very small, and it is hidden deeply," Hei Changzhi shook his hair, his eyes still sharp, "The most important thing is that the place where it is hidden is basically covered with hanging ropes. When I went in, I noticed that some places that were closed by ropes were not quite right, so after I separated from Chenxing, I looked at those places and found torn paper in the corners, so I vaguely guessed it.”

In this way, there are two ways to find the final tip at the beginning. Either choose a relatively low-risk one and use the information given in the red string to guess bit by bit, or take the risk of finding a tattered leaflet—or, in other words, If they can cooperate and cooperate in a timely manner after discovering problems at the beginning, they will definitely not reduce staff.

But this is also an assumption, there is no chance of a comeback.

This place is connected to the back door of the house next door. I think it is a place that Lily rented to sell wine and a place to live. In fact, it is not enough to find the flyer. After all, the flyer points to the next house, but Lily The place where they were finally hanged - the living room where they are now.

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