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The next morning, Yu Yuan finally got an email reply from GM.

The email stated that there was no bug in this situation before, and the technician had been specially invited to go online and let him go to the nearby jungle city at eleven o'clock to meet in front of the goddess statue.

The map transmission function was still grayed out, so Yu Yuan had to walk to the gate of the city and take a carriage on the road. It is also fortunate that the effect of weakness has passed, and now I can finally walk normally.

There were other players on the carriage, and one of the swordsmen noticed him and tried to talk to him.

"Friend, which dungeon did you lose your mage robe?" the swordsman said, "The attribute is so outrageous, isn't it hidden and dropped?"

Yu Yuan subconsciously touched his clothes. The equipment interface can be hidden, but he has not set it before, so others can click it to see it.

"Uh, it's a dungeon of the Vampire Prince... I guess."

"That copy? With such a superb attribute, you must be hidden and dropped."

In addition to the regular drops in the game, there are also some specially set hidden drops, some are equipment, and some are just easter eggs.

"I'm not too sure." Yu Yuan scratched his head, "I just played this game not long ago."

The carriage was bumpy on the road, and there was still a lot of distance from the jungle city.

The swordsman showed his ID [Ping Shanhai], added a friend to him, and chatted endlessly: "Are you lacking a union? Are you lacking a fixed group? Your equipment in our group must be the highest output DPS."

Seeing the other party shaking his head, Ping Shanhai rolled his eyes and asked, "Then do you sell this equipment?"

The swordsman said this by chance, but it coincided with Yu Yuan's thoughts last night.

First, he played this game just to try and make some money, and secondly, the equipment was strange, and he didn't really want to wear it all the time.

"You collect equipment?"

Ping Shanhai smiled: "I do reselling work."

Friends can share the virtual interface, Ping Shanhai clicks on the rare equipment section of the trading house, and shows him the number of recent transactions.

"Last week there was a hidden equipment similar to yours. It was a pair of handguards. I'll see how much it sold in the end..."

He said a number that shocked Yu Yuan a little, "Sold 81,000."

The starting point for different equipment is different. The highest is weapons, followed by clothes, and the lowest starting point is naturally small equipment such as handguards and necklaces.

He also showed Yu Yuan some previous transaction records, the number of hidden equipment was extremely scarce, and every transaction would cause considerable heat.

"How about it? Sell it, brother." Ping Shanhai patted his chest, very proud, "I am a professional in reselling me. You can find my name casually on the forum, and it is definitely not a loss to sell me."

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