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Fernando, who was suddenly labeled as a "pervert", can be said to have fallen directly from the surprise of being cared for to a shock.

"What did I do to you?" He immediately switched back to an angry tyrannosaurus, speaking as if breathing fire, "This puppy you taught really doesn't have fangs? Who does kidnapping? Can't you see it?"

Yu Yuan didn't care what he slandered Durand, he just reprimanded: "You know what hurts under the bandage on your right hand."

"What's wrong with my hand?" Fernando was about to laugh angrily, "Okay, I'll let you see if you want."

Still being pointed at with a sword, Fernando started to remove the bandage directly from the knot, and unraveled it circle by circle. At the end of the solution, in the center of the exposed palm was a scratch about a finger-length, but it was not deep, and there were already signs of healing.

The room seemed to be silent for a moment.

"Would you like to ask me how the wound came from?" Fernando sneered, glanced at Durand, and then looked at the queen, "It's just that you, the little crown prince, had better not be there, there are some things he shouldn't know."

Yu Yuan was really dumbfounded.

He was slapped twice in the face in just one or two hours. Howard was not injured. Fernando had such an inexplicable injury. Could it be that the bite he took did not leave a mark? But he clearly tasted a tinge of blood.

Yu Yuan couldn't help licking around in his mouth, the tip of his tongue pressed against his posterior molars, and he even wondered for a second if his gums bleed and smelled blood, but where did the bleeding gums come from in a game?

He was extremely sure that he must have bitten the other party, but why did the two most suspects leave no traces on their hands?

Unless it's not them either, it can only be... Eugene, Louie?

But at this moment, Fernando repeated again: "You'd better let your puppy out first, otherwise I can't guarantee what will happen later."

Yu Yuan's eyes wandered back and forth between the two, and the released leg also retracted under the skirt. He heard Fernando's overtones, and the most likely cause of his injury was that it was related to Louis, so he could only deal with it first. Durand said: "Durand, you go out and wait for me first."

Durand was obviously not obedient this time, he didn't even withdraw his sword, the tip of the sword was as sharp as ice, "But you..."

"Durand." Yu Yuan couldn't help but say in a deep voice, "You go out first, I have something to communicate with His Majesty the King privately."

The crown prince finally withdrew the sword, looked at it a few more times with complicated eyes, and then turned to leave.

Hearing the "pleasant" sound of the door closing, Fernando sat down directly on the single sofa chair, sitting wide open as if this was his room.

"It seems that you are not so stupid that there is no cure." The bad-tempered king seemed to smell like gunpowder when he spoke, "At least you can understand what I'm talking about."

All other external factors aside, the two of them are like accomplices who keep the same secret, and that secret is Louis' existence.

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