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The silver-white hair radiated a faint glow like silver threads under the candlelight.

A pair of monocles were placed on the bridge of the Pope's straight nose, adding a little more seriousness to his otherwise gentle temperament in private. After all, the priest came to visit in the middle of the night. At this time, although His Majesty the Pope got up early in the morning and began to recite today's prayers, his attire was naturally not as solemn and solemn as the last public occasion. It seems to be lingering with pure white mist, and it outlines a scene like in a painting.

Between breathing again and again, when uttering every word, the calm voice is like the sound of nature, very infectious, which may be the quality that every pope needs. At this moment, Yu Yuan had to admit that he also seemed to be about to be infected by the other party.

Staying with such a person, even if it is not for entering a safe area, just because of the behavior of the other person, can not help but make people feel at ease. He is obviously a high-ranking pope, but just because of his piety, he will ignore his identity and treat him equally. Not only did he not invite him away, but he was so patient with this late-night visitor, just like a teacher who teaches students.

Yu Yuan, who was pretending to be pious, was really trying to fish, and only came here for the sake of safety, felt a little embarrassed because of the other party's actions.

After an unknown amount of time, His Majesty the Pope finished speaking, put down the Gospel in his hand, and asked softly, "What else do you understand?"

"No, no, thank you His Majesty the Pope." Yu Yuan also hurriedly closed the book in his hand.

It's really a spring-like experience...so gentle.

This kind of feeling is hard to describe clearly. It is clear that the other party has such a high status and there is no deliberate tender behavior, but as long as you listen to the other party's words and watch the other party appear in your field of vision, you will feel warm. .

God of Light is above, is this the strength of the Pope!

However, the audience in the live broadcast room did not follow.

[Paralysis, why do I have expectations in horror games]

[God knows why I was excited about the safety conditions for so long in the first place]

【Bad review, return】

[I want to see the Holy See ban.avi]

[Such a good-looking pope, such a good-looking priest, it would be a pity not to do anything]

But there is another group of people who feel the same way as Yu Yuan.

[Mom, I also feel that I have been cured, what is going on]

[Fantasy about their doi ten minutes ago, condemn my own dirty mind ten minutes later]

【Excuse me, is it time to play the priest now?】

Although the priest came for other purposes, the pious image of "staying awake at night because there is something incomprehensible in the Gospels" is obviously performed well. At least His Majesty the Pope approves it very well, otherwise he would not be willing to leave it before dawn. The other party called in.

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