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Yu Yuan, wrapped in a blanket, nodded and took a sip of hot tea.

Not surprisingly, the black tea also has a faint smell of blood.

The fangs, the ears, the acceptance of blood sucking, everything is slowly changing.

And he was just waiting silently, going offline at any time.

At this time, Lambert suddenly came over. The straps of the silk shirt are still loose, and when attached to the lower body, some of the collarbone and below will be exposed.

He buried half of his face on Yu Yuan's shoulder and neck as he did in the cave before, sniffing carefully.

"And the smell of wolves?" Yu Yuan noticed the other's expression, slightly puzzled.

Lambert's voice was muffled. "It's not a wolf...it's something else."

Yu Yuan was even more confused, "Rose?"

He felt like he had been marinated.

Lambert pulled away and sat back in his seat, still shaking his head. He didn't say anything, obviously he didn't want to talk more about it.


But in an instant, Yu Yuanfu was so heartfelt that he thought of an answer.

He scratched his hair and said tentatively, "...is it the prince?"

Hearing this, Lambert silently adjusted his glasses, "It will disappear in the future."

"..." This is an admission.

At his previous banquet, he still complained in his heart that these vampires encircled their territory by smell, and in a sense it came true.

Holding the teacup, Yu Yuan had nothing to do, so he simply stirred up the topic, "I thought you two, uh, have a good relationship?"

A true portrayal of watching the fun and not afraid of big things.

In the sky, as if the soft veil had been undone, the night seemed to have faded a little, and the stars and the moon seemed to have merged into the color of the sky.

"We are related by blood."

Lambert's voice was calm, his hands folded in front of him, "I will also choose to cooperate at an appropriate time."

A newly born vampire can only have one kind of aura, but if other vampires are present, they will find that Yu Yuan is special. The smell on him came from a family rather than a specific blood family.

He is jointly owned by the "Rister family" generation.

This is the result of cooperation.

But if given the chance, who would want to share the fruits of victory with others?

Lambert Riester believes he has seized the best moment.

"The Humanoid Victory Fruit" is ignorant of everything else, he is only curious about the relationship between the two, and can't help but ask: "So he will come to you?"

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