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The teleportation is very fast and you won't feel anything in the process.

When Yu Yuan opened his eyes again, the whole body was filled with light air.

Looking around, it is a quiet town, with few street lamps lit on the streets.

It worked!

Realizing this, he couldn't help showing a faint smile.

After leaving the scope of the blood clan, he finally returned to the normal world.

There are some players scattered around, it seems that there is some activity. When the female pastor in front of him saw him, she was very surprised: "Ayuan? When did you go online?"

Hearing this, Yu Yuan subconsciously asked back, "Didn't I have been online since the night I played the dungeon?"

"No, the avatar is always black..."

Before she could finish speaking, Yu Yuan interrupted first: "I encountered a bug in the game, I can't log off, I can't contact anyone, and the GM can't find it. Can you help me get in touch?"

Pumpkin nodded, and immediately opened his game interface and shared it with Yu Yuan. Now after eleven o'clock, there is no online service, and the only option is to send an email to the GM to wait for a reply.

He tried to go offline again, but it didn't work here either.

I am afraid that being able to contact other players is already the most possible thing.

However, the email was successfully sent out, and there will be a reply within 24 hours. This made him feel relieved, and it was only a matter of time before he left.

The pumpkin on the side asked curiously, "What happened to you?"

Of course, Yu Yuan couldn't tell his outrageous experiences in the past few days. He mumbled a few words, and then asked, "Where are we? Why are you calling here?"

The excitement just now passed, and the soft and weak hypersensitivity returned. He gritted his teeth and pretended not to fall down. It is best to find a place first and wait for the news to reply.

He didn't say much about the situation, and the pumpkin, who was not too worried, grinned: "Hey, today there is an event where the regional boss will refresh at a random time. There are a lot of rewards. The people from our union have made an appointment to gather here."

Yu Yuan understood. Just now, Pumpkin called all his friends, presumably just to pull enough people, and accidentally pulled him over.

At this time, a friend of their group happened to come over. Seeing the two exchanged, he took the initiative to ask Yu Yuan if he wanted to join.

Of course he couldn't fight, so he found a reason to prevaricate and said he wanted to find a place to rest. Some life players just eat and sleep in the game and go offline, and his behavior is not surprising.

Pumpkin took the initiative to accompany him to find a hotel nearby and took him to a room on the second floor. Pumpkin had to leave with the union and could not wait for news with him, but before leaving, he did not forget to comfort: "Don't worry, it will definitely be resolved."

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