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When Lambert opened the door, the person on the bed was sleeping under the quilt, not revealing at all.

The window on the balcony was not closed, and the soft gauze curtain was blown by the wind. The temperature is dropping tonight, and it's not a good thing to blow the wind all night.

Even though he had learned from some newly collected books that normal humans were not as fragile and "fragile" as Yu Yuan had said before, he would still pay attention and deal with every detail.

He walked with a very soft voice, Yu Yuan once said that this kind of light footsteps sounded like a cat.

For this kind of evaluation, he has considered whether to change his inherent habits, so as to avoid the possibility of his sudden appearance and Yu Yuan being frightened at times.

But it takes time to develop and change habits, even for him.

Closing the window, the room fell silent in an instant.

Lambert turned around and was about to leave, but the moment he put his hand on the doorknob, he had another idea.

People who abide by the rules and have excellent self-control sometimes want to violate a little rule and get a little benefit.

In the middle of the carved big bed, the person lying down is still very quiet.

Lambert walked up slowly, step by step, stepping on the thick carpet.

He didn't choose to sit beside the bed, for fear that such a movement would disturb anyone, but just stood still and attached himself to the corner of the quilt.

In an instant, his face changed slightly.

I saw that the quilt was wrapped, and only a pile of pillows remained, which were deliberately placed in order and stuffed under the quilt.

Reach out to touch it, it's cold inside.

I don't know how long people have been gone.



At this time, it was as if a dragon guarding the treasure found that a golden mountain had disappeared from its original place when he wanted to count it on a whim.

Lambert stared at the empty space, breathing slowly, telling himself that he should calm down.

He silently released his mana to sense the outside world, and sure enough, a circle of restrictions outside the mansion garden was quietly lifted at some point.

The precise spells belonging to the blood clan are not what Yu Yuan can understand at present, only Smollett.

However, the mana mark he left on Yu Yuan was not triggered, indicating that there were no mana fluctuations from other blood races... There was only one possibility.

Yu Yuan left voluntarily, or, in other words, voluntarily followed Smollett.

Thinking of this, Lambert unconsciously clenched the fabric under his hand.

The mark is not triggered, indicating that Smollett is not using teleportation.

Not far... there is still a chance.

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