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The leading black wolf was at the forefront, the black cat followed step by step, and the other wolves followed.

"Hurt, my name is Hutt."

"Meow?" The black cat pretended not to understand.

However, the black wolf Hutt glanced at it, as if he knew something, and said, "Stop pretending, I know you can understand and speak."

"...What are you catching me for?" The black cat said bluntly.

The wood-bone dragon was sleeping on the edge of the cliff before, and it was obviously driven by something else to capture it. At present, it seems that these wolves, especially the leading black wolf in front of them, are very much like the culprit.

No, that must be what it did.

Hurt admitted it generously, walking and talking without looking back, "Aren't you a 'wolf holy beast'? I also want to see what the holy beast of our tribe looks like."

"...So you're the true holy beast?" Although Hurt was only moving slowly, he was a step bigger than the cat, and the black cat had to speed up to keep up.

If you can crack it down as soon as it comes up, it must be the real thing.

"What do you think?"

They slowly entered the forest on the mountain, and the wolves who followed were silent and very quiet. The black cat was silent for a while, vaguely remembering that when he was at the council of elders, he seemed to have heard the werewolves mention that the holy beast was black-haired and blue-eyed, and it just happened to be brought back by Edgar and Crofts.

The black wolf in front of him was black hair and blue eyes.

Putting it all together, it is clear at a glance who is more like a holy beast, who is real and who is fake.

But will the black cat be discouraged because he is not a holy beast, no.

"I did your job for you." The black cat was very serious, "The new patriarch has been selected."

With a serious expression, it was as if Hutt, the black wolf in front of him, might be going to work on time, so he let a black cat give him the top bag.

Hearing this, Hutt was stunned for a moment, then laughed, "Haha, then you have done a lot more work than me, I just need to announce the will of the holy beast and leave."

It glanced back pointedly, and headed down the mountain. "You even sent the exiles all the way here. Are you too eager to fear that it will not find its way? Little black cat."

"It's still waiting for me below, I have to go back and find it." Mentioning Crofts, the black cat remembered what happened earlier. Even if it threw the wolf down to signal the other party not to pursue him further tonight, Crofts would definitely come up the mountain quickly if he had a chance.

"No, you don't have to go down, it will come up on its own." Hurt said: "And we are its best home here. The exiles will come here."

"You...here?" The black cat was very puzzled.

"Follow me." Hurt motioned for the black cat to stand on his back, and when the black cat stood firm, he began to run forward.

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