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The scale of the banquet was not particularly large, but all the people present were carefully selected characters, such as important ministers, nobles, etc. in the royal city, almost all of them brought their families to the scene. Of course, on the surface, the singing and dancing are peaceful, but it is hard to say how the undercurrent is turbulent.

After Yu Yuan was led into the lobby, he had to put on a fake smile to start the business, and suggested to Lin Ling that the female character's attire was really uncomfortable, and the reply was "Thank you for your contribution to the game experience, I This information will be reported to the technical team."

On the other hand, this banquet is not so much to welcome Durand back to the royal city, it is better to say that Fernando is the focus of attention. The new king has been on the throne for less than a month. Although several banquets have been held after the coronation ceremony, the scales are different, but the guests with different thoughts naturally hold their own views on the "new king" and are still inquiring and observing. . On the surface, Yan Yan is smiling, but in private, he does not know if he has ever scolded the words "pseudo-king".

Fernando himself turned a blind eye to other eyes, and his smile on the surface was very well done. Yu Yuan remembered the rumors about him being "violent", and asked Lin Ling, "Where the **** is he being "violent", I think it's okay? Isn't this a spoiler?"

Well, at least I haven't done anything to the queen so far.

"Pretend, don't believe it." Lin Ling gave a very positive answer, "You also know that he is from the Legion, and there are many negative rumors. Anyway, you must be careful when dealing with him."

Yu Yuan thought you were too late, he felt that he had already stepped on the red line.

As the queen, Yu Yuan was naturally surrounded by various female relatives. But if he talks to these ladies, there are ghosts. Whenever a lady shakes his fan and chats with him about things in the royal city, he can only stare at him and pretend to be stupid, and reply "You are right". Smile.

At this moment, a herald came in and announced, "His Royal Highness is here."

The venue suddenly fell silent, and everyone's eyes turned to the door.

Not long after, I saw a guard coming from outside the banquet hall with no swords around their waists, and it was none other than Crown Prince Durand Durrell who was leading the way.

There was a momentary commotion in the crowd, but it subsided in an instant.

Yu Yuan held a champagne glass and looked from a distance. According to the data, Durand, who had just grown up, already had the demeanor of an adult man. The color of his blond hair was pale to almost platinum gold, which was very different from Fernando. As for his appearance, although he has the tallness of an adult male, his facial features are a little softer. When he glances at his eyebrows, he seems to be drawn with a fine brush.

Durand was the only one who wore a sword. As he strode forward, the cloak on his body floated in a dashing arc, and the group was a little sloppy. It was obvious that they rushed here without first taking a rest when they arrived at the royal city.

The room was so quiet that you could almost hear the sound of thin needles falling. Yu Yuan watched the other person come over, thinking that Durand should go to salute the king first, but why...

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