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Yu Yuan was a little disturbed, and he couldn't understand the NPC settings of this game more and more.

Co-authoring, he never ran far from the beginning to the end, whether it was Full Moon City or Jungle City, this place should be named Lister.

Players like Pumpkin who come to fight bosses are probably the "humans who often appear in nearby towns" as Lambert said at the beginning, and as a lord, he should be responsible for suppressing them once a month.

The game logic turned out to be rounded up.

The castle housekeeper is fine, or anything else, just like playing role-playing with him on purpose.


At this moment, the gate of the mansion in the garden was pushed open.

A young maid stuck her head out, saw the figure in the rain, and shouted in surprise: "Lister Riester, when did you come back!"

She hurriedly came out with an umbrella, walked quickly through the garden, and opened the iron gate at the door.

Lambert put one hand behind Yu Yuan and introduced him, "This is Winnie."

Winnie is also a vampire with pointed ears. She waved her fingertips towards Yu Yuan, showing a little bit of teeth when she smiled, "Lister Riester, this is the husband you said..."

"Winnie." Lambert's voice was flat.

Yu Yuan looked at the two people who were playing dumb puzzles with a bewildered expression.

Father... father-son relationship? What can't you say?

Winnie, who was called, stuck out her tongue, "Come in, it's going to rain."

The garden has a unique view, and it is obvious that it is often carefully taken care of, and the lighted mansion looks warm in the rainy night.

Compared with the luxurious but deserted castle, this place is more like a place where humans live, rather than a blood race.

After entering the gate, the two took off their capes and hats one after another, and Winnie took them down and put them away. She clapped her hands, and two equally young servants came out and greeted them.

From this point, you can also see the difference between the castle and the old castle, where Yu Yuan has not seen any other figures other than the three.

Lambert stretched out his hand to straighten Yu Yuan's hair that was messed up by the wizard hat, "Do you want to eat something? Or rest first?"

Yu Yuan shook his head. He still doesn't have much desire for blood, just a few candies, it would be weird to drink it.

"Then go upstairs." Lambert motioned only for Winnie to follow.

As they walked up layer by layer, orange-yellow lights illuminated every corner of the interior. It is indeed a very warm place, contrary to the gloom and loneliness of the castle.

Yu Yuan was led up to a room on the third floor, opened the door, and saw inside... neatly packed with a whole room of clothes hanging.

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