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"To be honest, I can't remember exactly what happened. It just feels like...it's not right for a moment? The last memory seems to be me and Bai Cai staying together, and the rest is forgotten... ..."

After sobering up, Lulu returned to her normal appearance, but she had no idea what had happened. However, since the exorcism of the priest's skill is effective, it means that the upper body of the ghost should be driven away now. The only question is - is this "ghost upper body" over now, or may it make a comeback?

Yu Yuan didn't have time to worry about this issue for the time being, so he could only let Lu Lu follow him. On the other hand, Mr. M also disappeared after the priest's friend appeared.

Taking the record with Mrs. Anderson's name on it, Yu Yuan and Lu Lu were about to leave.

"How did you find it? Neither Bo Cai and Bigger were in danger, right?" Lulu still remembered the results of her divination before, "I had a very clear premonition at the time that Bo Cai was in danger and Bigger died in a pool of blood. "

As if afraid of Yu Yuan's disbelief, Lu Lu emphasized it again. After all, she was the first to accidentally hurt her teammates, so she was a little worried about what she really did.

"It's okay, you don't have to worry. I didn't meet Bigger but he should be fine, and Bai Cai was not injured."

Yu Yuan glanced at the time, he made an appointment with Hei Changzhi and Chen Xing that they would restrain Mrs. Anderson for half an hour, and now the full half hour should be the last time they have just led people, enough for him and Lulu to leave this lady safely. Fixed patrolled caravan area.

However, the face slaps in reality always seem to follow closely. When he just had the idea of ​​safety in his mind, the sound of the bell suddenly appeared, but after walking a few steps, the sound gradually became louder. .

—Mrs Anderson is approaching here!

No, no, since there is no time for Chen Xing and Hei Changzhi, it is impossible for him who is in charge of the search to be in danger. Unless, who of the two had an accident? !

Hearing the ringtone, Lu Lu's expression also changed, "I can't leave for the time being, so hide for now."

The reason why the caravan area is dangerous is that there are not many places to hide here, and there is another reason for it to be patrolled by Mrs. Anderson. The terrain here is wide inside and narrow outside. I want to leave here and return to the two-story building The street must first pass through an unobstructed road. Once there, even if you bump into the face with the lady from a distance, the danger can be imagined. Even if the bell is still far away, there is no risk at all. On the road, there is no room for retreat.

Without further ado, the two quickly separated and took shelter in the nearest caravan.

Within a minute or two, the worst happened—a crisp bell rang at the entrance to the caravan, and Mrs. Anderson arrived, and went further and further.

Is it possible to wait for her to walk past here and then run back? After all, it will take a long time to wait for her to leave completely next time, and they don't know if their teammates can cooperate well before helping to lead them away.

When the bell sounded very close to their row of caravans, Yu Yuan suddenly had an idea, he opened the curtain of the car window a little, not because he wanted to take the initiative to die, but because he was curious about the current situation.” What does Mrs Anderson" look like, and is there any chance of guessing any shortcomings from her appearance?

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