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It rained again after dawn the next day.

Hurt looked at the weather outside the window, the thick clouds seemed to be able to wring out the water, and said, "I'm afraid you won't be able to leave for the time being, you have to wait."

Yu Yuan nodded, "It doesn't matter."

In the living room downstairs, the black wolf was still resting in the corner. Fortunately, it was only during the day. The little fire in the fireplace seemed to be left over from the firewood that burned overnight, leaving a trace of warmth.

Hutt enthusiastically brought out coffee, bread, ham, etc. to entertain the mage, and chatted about the current state of the world outside the forest. The two sat down at the table, and no one wanted to disturb the black wolf, and the black wolf has never been Awake.

"You said yesterday that it healed its wounds here. Where is the wound?" Yu Yuan asked while smearing jam on the slices of bread.

"Oh, you said Crofts." Hurt put down the ham. "There's a wound on the back leg that's just beginning to heal."

"is it serious?"

"It's okay, it's not too serious, it just needs to be raised for a while." Hurt thought for a while, "It was injured by foreign adventurers, you know, those intruders wearing colorful clothes, weapons It's also various, and many of their weapons have magic damage attached to them, perhaps the result of a mage's research."

Yu Yuan wanted to know that the adventurers and intruders he was talking about were game players. The colorful clothes they wore were game costumes, and the magic damage that came with them was the weapon effect of the game.

Although the black wolf looks fine on the outside, but after looking carefully for a long time, Yu Yuan has a faint feeling that the fur of this werewolf friend doesn't seem to be as smooth and smooth as before.

Lin Ling: "Just help Xiao Hei, anyway, you don't have a talent for pharmacology, you have come here."

After finishing breakfast, Yu Yuan walked slowly to the black wolf's side, and the black wolf who felt someone approaching suddenly opened his eyes.


"Hurt said you had an injury on your leg and it hasn't healed." Yu Yuan squatted down, "I'm a mage who is good at medicine. Would you like to show it to you?"

The black wolf lying on the carpet closed his eyes again, "No need."

"Why? I'll fix it for you in case. You can look in the mirror and look at your own fur. It's more sluggish than other wolves."

This is indeed the truth. Although he can't tell the difference between the wolf and the wolf's appearance, it can be seen with the naked eye from the beginning. The black wolf and the white wolf are definitely the kind of outstanding appearance in the group, and they are all dressed in pure wolf hair. A layer of waxy high spirits.

The black wolf didn't turn his head and said a word, Yu Yuan understood this as a follow-up attitude, so he stretched out his hand to check the wound on its leg.

However, just as he put his hand on the black wolf and rubbed it, a strand of black wolf hair was pulled down.

Yu Yuan looked at the tuft of wolf hair in his palm with a shocked face.

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