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The fragments were brought back, but now the black cat had to face the next problem. Edgar, who had changed back into human form, was sitting across from him, with a half-smiley expression on his face, and there was a golden shard between them.

"Should I explain a little bit how I got it back?"

"Meow meow."

What do you think so much about.

It didn't think about how to explain it in the first place, and couldn't make up a plausible reason anyway. And who can force a cat that can't speak?

"The bandages on your body are gone, so you're not afraid of pulling the wounds, eh?" Edgar took out a new roll of bandages and carefully wrapped it up. Although he saw that the black cat's recovery ability was extraordinary, it was inevitable that he would be worried. , "You went to Riester again, didn't you?"


Although he knew that the other party was referring to the prince, Lambert was also a Lister.

"What did he do to you? Or what did you exchange with him for fragments?" Edgar seemed to have thought of something, his dark eyes narrowed slightly, and he walked around the cat's body, as if to check it for something. There is nothing missing, "Are you..."

"Meow meow meow."

"...I took the initiative to touch his belly?"

Black Cat: "..." When will you be able to correct your problem of panting when you talk.

"Meow." The black cat raised his chest.

It's just sucking my belly, what can you do to me!

Edgar stroked the cat's head.

In reality, Lin Ling was laughing wildly at the table, and said humorously: "Shocked, a male cat took the initiative to betray her, and the truth is to get such a thing."

"You should write a copy for your game instead of being a technician." The black cat quickly counterattacked.

The bandage was wrapped again, and this time Edgar also tied a small bow on his back, but the black cat didn't notice it, and he was about to run out of the house to play. But at this moment, Edgar only heard a faint call.

"Yu Yuan."

The black cat turned back subconsciously and met Edgar's determined eyes.

Damn, why does it feel like something has been discovered.

The black cat was about to play stupid and leave, but Edgar continued talking to himself: "The mage that Lister is looking for is you, right?"

The black cat stopped in front of the door and didn't leave, not because it didn't want to jump up and grab the door handle to go out, but saw Edgar shake the key in his hand. Obviously, the door is locked.

"I'm curious about your identity, Yuanyuan." Edgar pursed his lips and smiled, "Human mage? Blood clan? Now you have become a cat and become our holy beast? You seem to have many identities."

The black cat glared at him.

Holy beast, it's not that you group of wolves have blindly offered me a cat.

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