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This scene is estimated to be the most embarrassing scene he has experienced in the game.

"...Aren't you behind the curtain?!" Yu Yuan turned his head stiffly to look at Durand.

"I just thought it was, um, not very safe." Durand smiled apologetically.

Thinking that Howard had lifted two curtains in the living room before, Durand must have heard the movement, but Yu Yuan really wanted to put Durand back behind the curtains and pretend that nothing happened.

The three stood on each side, and no one spoke first. In this case, the only person responsible for breaking the silence was Yu Yuan, so he had to bite the bullet and look at Howard first.

But before he could speak, there was another knock on the door.

Then, Yu Yuan watched helplessly as the two very skillfully stayed in the shadow of the corner, and the other hid behind the curtain.

He felt that he was simply committing a sin.

"Who?" he called towards the door.

"Her Royal Highness, one of Her Majesty's cufflinks has fallen here." Fortunately, it was Nancy who came this time.

"Wait for me to find it."

Yu Yuan looked around the rattan chair and table, but saw no cufflinks. At this time, Howard, who was originally hidden in the shadow of the corner, stood up and stretched out his hand to him.

A solid gold cufflink was lying in his palm.

"I just found it by the bed." Howard didn't explain much, "Is this His Majesty's?"

"...Thank you" Yu Yuan's eyes were sluggish for a moment, feeling that the death of society was nothing more than that, he took the cufflinks and walked to the door and handed them to Nancy.

It can be considered solved, and he turned his head to face the two people in the room again. After hesitating for a while, Yu Yuan decided to send Howard away first, and talk about the rest later.

"Howard, can you please go back first? I'll have time to explain to you later." Time was limited, and he could only choose to deal with more important matters first. "Please don't reveal even a little about tonight's affairs."

Howard opened his mouth and seemed to want to say something but couldn't say anything. In the end, he just saluted, but did not look at the crown prince again, and left very neatly, "Since it is your order, Her Royal Highness, I will naturally obey it. ."

"Tsk tsk, your aggressive push just increased your loyalty by 1%, that's ok." Lin Ling doesn't think it's a big deal to watch the fun, "Brother, it's not far from you to kill the king and the crown prince yourself, and then the time comes. This push is your number one knight commander, helping you to be king all the way."

"Can I really be a king by myself?" Yu Yuan, who was obsessed with his words, felt a little moved, and communicated with Lin Ling while watching Howard's leaving back.

"What are you thinking, I'm talking nonsense. It's quite easy for you to be a queen--Look at this situation, no matter who the next king is, you can continue to be the queen." Lin Ling was quite emotional, "The king of flowing water, the queen of iron, It's fine."

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