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The dinner was considered an unhappy break up, and Yu Yuan deliberately sent Madeleine back to her residence. Before leaving, Madeleine grabbed his sleeve again.

"Your Highness the Queen, can I still find you in the future?" The girl blinked her eyes.

"Of course." Yu Yuan touched the little girl's head, "Come to me anytime you want."

Little Madeleine watched the Queen's back go away, and secretly wrote down the agreement.

The next day, Yu Yuan had to start solving the problem of Fernando's surveillance of him. Although the two knights at the door, a red-haired and a gray-haired, had never stopped him from going anywhere, they obviously kept following him, fearing that Fernando would know the news as soon as he reached Durand on the front foot.

Yu Yuan didn't care whether he knew it or not. The problem was that this might threaten Durand's safety. Fernando dressed like a man all day long, but who knew what he actually thought about this crown prince.

In fact, Nancy also told him that the crown prince had originally sent a servant to deliver the letter, but it was also detained by someone arranged by the king. By this time, Yu Yuan knew thoroughly that Fernando seemed to be calm on the surface, but in reality he probably had already made arrangements in all aspects.

In one day, he tried to ask the maid to lead the two knights away from the door, or put on light clothes and go out the window, but all the attempts ended in vain, not to mention the last time he was standing in the garden Considering the possibility of overturning the wall, Fernando, who "passed by by chance", kindly reminded: "With your skills, you'd better be careful to lie on the bed with a broken leg for three months."

Before going offline at night, Yu Yuan finally couldn't help looking for Lin Ling.

"Are you sure the game is going on normally now?"

Fernando was strictly guarded, and he had no chance to contact Durand at all, let alone discuss the next step. Unless there is a problem with his thinking, is it possible that he can continue the plan without leaving the palace?

Seeing that Yu Yuan was busy all day like a monkey, Lin Ling felt a little sympathetic, so he could only say: "Your thinking is restricted, this type of holographic game depends not only on yourself, but also on yourself. Most of them are NPCs, and they will act when they are real people."

After letting go of this sentence, Lin Ling went offline first, leaving Yu Yuan alone to taste the meaning.

NPCs...would they need their help?

Before going online again the next day, the first thing Yu Yuan did was to browse through the list of NPCs he could trust. Only then did he understand the meaning of Lin Ling's words. He shouldn't try to climb over walls, sneak out of the palace, etc. in the first place, because this is a holographic game that simulates reality. Since there is an NPC, it means that someone can help him.

Like Howard has a sister Wendy, and that's an excuse he can use now. So today, the queen finally successfully left the palace on the grounds of "going to visit Miss Wendy". Of course, this reason can't be used many times, but it's definitely no problem to use it a few times now.

The Howard family manor is not far from the royal city, and the queen's trip is not a big fan, but it is only a private meeting. When they got here, the two knights sent by Fernando waited in the manor, and the queen was greeted by Miss Wendy and the servants to the second floor.

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