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After losing two teammates in the first place, the only two people in the team with light  were judged to be dangerous by Lulu's astrological prophecy.

"The sharp sword pierces the heart..." Chen Xing said with a thoughtful expression, "I can't let Yu Yuan go to see the Guillotine Knight tonight."

The last time they made a mistake on Bigger, mistakenly thought Bigger, who was soaked in blood in the prophecy scene, died at the hands of Mrs. Anderson, and after the end of hide and seek, who would have thought that Bigger would later slip back to Black on his own. The manor was killed by Mary. And the one-handed sword is obviously what the knights commonly use, that is, the weapon of the guillotine knight.

"It's better than this, we directly divide into two groups. Since the Duke's head has been missing, I tend to stay in Anderson Manor," Chen Xing said, "Lulu and I went to the Guillotine Knight to have a test with him, Bai Cai. Going back to the manor with Yu Yuan to find someone is the safest way."

Although he himself was in danger tonight, it was impossible not to act, and he and Yu Yuan had better be separated into two groups to maximize the benefits. Hei Changzhi has strong reasoning ability, so returning to the manor with Yu Yuan should be the best choice.

Seeing the hesitation on the faces of his teammates, Chenxing added: "The duel of the knights should be a one-on-one contest, and I am a knight myself. It is the best choice for me to contain the Duke. Just bring your heads tonight as soon as possible. most."

At the request of Morningstar, this plan was settled. But in fact, everyone is inevitably worried. For example, what if the duke's head is not in the manor but somewhere else? However, we can only follow this line of thinking temporarily, and if we really can't find it, we will see the situation again.

After nightfall, the group of four split into two, Yu Yuan and Hei Chang straight to the edge of the high-risk area of ​​Anderson Manor.

They originally wanted to try to see if one person could stay on the edge of the area and keep attracting monsters, and the other took the opportunity to search inside the manor, which was a bit like a bug, but they couldn't attract Alice after walking around the edge for a long time. . It seems that Alice's aggression is much weaker than that of Mary, who was very aggressive and had been chasing them to the edge.

[The two tried to get stuck on the bug to no avail]

[Laughing to death, why do I feel that the two intellectuals are suddenly stupid]

Just when Yu Yuan was about to light the candles that came from the church to exorcise evil spirits and walked in like this, he heard Hei Changzhi say: "Yu Yuan, there is something I actually wanted to ask you before - you were in the caravan area. Did you feel anything wrong when you rescued Lulu?"

Not expecting the other party to mention this matter at this juncture, Yu Yuan was also a little surprised, "What's wrong?"

"It's just that I don't think it's right. You said that Bigger is really stupid enough to go to where Mary is at night?" Hei Changzhi rubbed his goosebumps arm and analyzed: "And how did he know for sure? There must be clues at Black Manor? In the end, I lost myself in it."

"what do you mean......"

"Lulu." Hei Changzhi said firmly: "You have seen what happened in the caravan area. Lulu was 'ghosted'. I thought she was being controlled by Mrs. Anderson, but don't forget, Bloody Mary. The only one who succeeded in the game was her, and Bigger also acted with Lulu on the night of the accident. I think 'Lulu' may have told him something to let Bigger choose to return to Black Manor at night."

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