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The innocent eyes of the person sitting at the door made the other two speechless.

It was as if a cat had been lost. After searching for it for a long time, I finally found that the cat had wandered around a few times outside, and then ran back.

This example is a perfect substitute for the current scene.

Lambert didn't mean anything, it's good to be back, especially since he came back in time. If it wasn't for him to find out that the person was missing by coincidence, it might seem like nothing happened tonight, and he wouldn't know about Small. Wright had contacted Yu Yuan, but Yu Yuan still chose to return to him.

But the prince's mood was different. Just ask, if a person plans to steal a cat, but finds that the cat ran out by himself, and he reasoned with him that he would take the initiative to follow him after an extra hour, he believed it after some surprises, and the cat ran back to the place where he escaped by himself. , this is what kind of mood.

He now seriously doubted that the "fair competition" that Lambert had just proposed was a premeditated plan. He didn't need to ask Yu Yuan's own results. The answer was self-evident.

It was simply done on purpose.

Yu Yuan didn't have so many twists and turns in his heart. He had rang the doorbell for a long time and no one came out. He guessed that Lambert found that he was not there, so everyone should go out to find someone.

It is estimated that he did not expect that the person involved would come back by himself, and there was not even a janitor left in the huge house.

He swallowed the rest of the sandwich in his hand. This thing is still bought in the restaurant of the commercial street. Players can use it to replenish blood, and drinks can replenish mana, which can also be regarded as red medicine and blue medicine.

Although I don't know why he became an NPC in the eyes of the players, it is of course no problem for him to communicate with the NPC boss of the restaurant.

The prince stepped forward before Lambert, with a very complicated expression that forced a smile, and his tone was sour when he spoke, "Should I give some explanation, my dear."

Explain why you're going back to the **** house again.

Yu Yuan stood up and patted the dust on his body.

"I compare, uh." Under the "kind" gaze of the prince, he paused for a while, considered the appropriate words, and then said: "...I prefer the climate here, after thinking about it, want to stay."

In fact, I feel that it is convenient to find opportunities to contact other players in the future.

And compared to the prince, Lambert is obviously better at speaking.

"But my dear." The prince reminded with a smile, "It's not that far from the castle at all."

There were only a few cities separated from each other, all of which were the nominal fiefdoms of the Lister family.

Yu Yuan: "...Then can I like the scenery here more?"

"Whatever you want, you can have it in the castle." The prince insisted.

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