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The innocent little black cat, I never thought that it would fall into the hands of His Majesty the Pope like this.

Louis has to settle the bill, and the octopus must be beaten!

"But His Majesty the Pope..."

His Majesty the Pope didn't seem to care about the knight's concern that the cat's origin was unknown and whether it was carrying any disease. He turned his head and took the black cat back.

After returning to the room, the black cat still had his ears drooping and could not let his guard down. If the Pope found something wrong, it would be a pure dead end. However, instead of doing anything, His Majesty the Pope even recruited a maid after a while, "Can you help it bathe?"

The black cat simply suspected that he had a hearing problem. The Pope, who was suspected of having a cleanliness before, brought back one of his cats, but now it seems that the cat is allowed to take a bath in his bathroom?

The maid checked the black cat and said euphemistically, "Your Majesty, this cat is very clean, and it seems that someone may have raised it."

Seeing that the little black cat was about to stand up and take two steps, it didn't seem to be very stable, and she said, "But it seems to have some injuries on it? Maybe it needs to be dealt with."

Dry, just trying to escape in a hurry, twisted his leg.

The little black cat that prides itself on being light and agile never thought that such a thing would happen to it one day.

"Okay, you go down first."

His Majesty the Pope screened the maid and pushed the cat down on the soft cushion. The cat, whose belly was facing the human, felt that this posture made it very insecure. He called out twice and tried to stand up, but he definitely didn't. The law goes against the Pope's ideas.

"Don't move." He said softly, and pressed the cat's right hind leg that was awkward to walk.

[Thank you, I didn't expect horror games to **** cats]

[Father is so black, absolutely absolutely]

【Laugh to death you can't see the cat when the lights are turned off】

[The Pope's hands are so white]

During the day, the priest was originally arranged to recover from the injury and not need to participate in the search for clues. He originally thought that the audience would temporarily lose a lot because of this, but what he didn't expect was that the people who came to attract cats not only filled the vacancies, but even more, and the number of people in the live broadcast room increased to more than 30. The popularity is getting higher and higher.

[Giving gifts to buy cat food for kittens and cats, cute and dead]

[Ask if you don’t understand, is this the live broadcast room of Black Cat? 】

【"Am I doing something wrong in seeking healing in horror games?"】

The black cat still had a heart hanging on it and couldn't let it go. After all, Louis didn't have any good intentions in turning it into a cat at the beginning. The original blue eyes were always widened vigilantly, but now the fur is slowly softening—— For nothing else, the main reason is that the Pope's approach is too gentle.

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