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The black cat was immediately "blown up" by the literal sense of anger.

Being caught off guard and being licked with saliva, the black cat looked back angrily and saw a white wolf appearing behind him... it turned out to be a white wolf.

The white wolf's smooth fur looked whiter and whiter under the moonlight, almost as if it was walking on the moon covered in fine snow, and its golden eyes were as bright as the full moon. At first glance, the black cat was a little dumbfounded.

At a certain moment, it almost thought that it would be bitten to death, but instead of looking at the white wolf, its eyes were not sharp... but a bit like some kind of big dog.

No killing intent.

But that doesn't mean it doesn't care about the wet saliva and licked hair on its body!

The four teammates were still using their skills to fight the boss, and Yu Yuan, who had to extract the team's buff, could not go offline for the time being, and could only follow the white wolves in the corner to look at each other. The height difference brought about by the species difference makes the black cat have to raise its head when the two sides look at each other, while the white wolf bows its head.

It is estimated that there is no way to communicate by talking. The black cat can only stare at each other with wide eyes, and grinned twice like a wolf howl, threatening the white wolf to leave quickly.

Then...it was licked by the white wolf again.

After this mouthful, he directly licked the black cat with his tongue and turned himself on his back, and fell to the ground with his feet upside down.

bad language.

The black cat who got up by himself patted the dust on his body and became even more angry.

With a full body of saliva, it didn't hesitate, grabbed a handful on the white wolf's paw and stepped on it fiercely, looking very fierce, it was a big cat who would retaliate.

A human's IQ and thinking mode have been assimilated to the same level as a cat.

The white wolf looked down at the black cat and didn't seem to understand why he was being treated like this. It just licked very carefully, trying to help the little black cat straighten the messy fur.

But it seems... the cat is even more unhappy.

Just at this time, Yu Yuan noticed that his teammates were about to finish the fight, and the BOSS's health bar was about to end. He opened the offline panel in advance, ready to leave at any time, stuck his tongue out at the white wolf, and spit out a mouthful of saliva.

When Maomao did these things, he thought he was fierce, but in Bailang's eyes, it had another meaning. So, it licked again.

With the experience of licking the black cat last time, this time it finally learned to be gentle, and very carefully rolled away the blades of grass on the cat's head.

But the black cat, who was licked to the point of being inexorable and smelling of saliva, only had a **** gesture left in his heart.

You can't reason with wolves.

"Yu Yuan, we're done, where are you?" Ping Shanhai shouted.

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