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The duo looked at each other and each chose an entrance and walked in. The space here seems to be able to extend infinitely, and after passing through the darkness, it seems to be another time and space.

Yu Yuan walked in slowly, and finally came to a long table covered with a gorgeous tablecloth, behind which was a layered curtain. He walked to the table suspiciously and sat down, and there was a man dressed as a clown on the opposite side, with a pale clown mask on his face, which seemed to grow on his face.

"Are you here to play games? Children, our circus has a lot of entertainment for you." The clown's voice was very low, as if something was stuck in his throat, and it was very uncomfortable.

"Yes." The priest was calm.

Then, an extremely hoarse laughter came from the clown's throat, "Then let's start."

He put his dark-gloved hand on the table and magically took out three opaque blue cups, but at that moment, an indiscernible liquid dripped from his glove. Come.

"I'm so sorry," the clown said, but his tone was unapologetic. "When dealing with the last one, ahem, I didn't wipe my hands clean."

He was coughing non-stop, and his breathing was heavy, as if he was terminally ill.

"Come on, kid, one of the simplest little tricks, you just need to guess the answer." The clown took out a small red color ball in his hand and placed it under one of the blue cups in front of the player , three cups side by side.

"Watch out, it's about to start."

After saying this, the clown pressed the three cups under his hands and began to change the positions of the three of them. The movements seemed to leave an afterimage.

Yu Yuan stared carefully, for fear of making a mistake. When the Joker stopped, he was pretty sure he saw that the cup with the ball was the one on the far right.

"Tell me your answer."

Yu Yuan pointed out the cup, "This."

"Are you really sure, kid?" After getting the second affirmation from the player, an exaggerated smile hung on the clown's face, which was even more terrifying against the shadow behind him, he suddenly lifted the cup, "you are wrong."

There is nothing under the blue cup on the right.

"There are two more chances." The clown giggled, lifted the cup in the middle to reveal the ball at the bottom, and dunked it back to start a new round of "shuffling".

Playing games with ghosts is really unreasonable.

The priest sighed in his heart, and felt about some doorway. When the clown lowered his head and focused on moving the cup without paying attention, he quietly used his right hand to circle his right eye to see the current scene.

Only by constantly looking at the "inner world" in the inner world, what should be seen is true. And this time, the priest saw it too.

It turns out that the small red ball in the middle is the eyeball of an unknown animal. It is very small, but the red blood vessels connected to it have become the "feet" that supports its movement. During the process of cupping, this little eyeball seemed to be invisible, so he casually walked into the three cups, whichever he wanted to stay with.

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