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Edgar took the black cat to visit Crofts.

At that time, the black wolf was also wrapped in bandages like a black cat. Perhaps it was because the wolf form was more convenient for healing, so he did not change back to a human form. When he was lying on the bed, his eyes were still sharp, and the earrings on the tips of his ears were red like blood. A pair of red pupils set off against each other, and when he saw the black cat coming, he slightly restrained his momentum.

"When did you wake up?" The black wolf looked at the little black dumpling that was brought in front of him. As soon as he saw it, his mouth felt itchy. He wanted to lick and bite gently, but the black cat was also injured and naturally inconvenient to touch. .

"Just woke up in the morning." Edgar calmly circled the black cat to his side, meaning only the black wolf could see and not touch it.

Heilang's eyes were displeased, "You have to learn to respect your brother, especially since I'm still injured."

It knew that if it wasn't for the injury, Edgargen wouldn't have brought the kitten over, and he had done all kinds of things when he couldn't walk around.

Edgar said nothing.

The black cat caught in the middle is naturally more willing to get close to Edgar. The human form is not as strong as the wolf in the wolf form, and there is another very important reason...

"What's the matter with this little guy?" The black wolf also noticed that the kitten shrank its head back.

Edgar looked at the black wolf fur scattered on the bed and gave the answer, "Maybe it's because you think you are losing hair."

Hearing this, the black cat who was said to be the center of the matter unconsciously nodded twice.

Wolves smell bad, and shedding wolves smell even worse.

Black Wolf: "..." Little black-hearted ghost.

The black wolf involuntarily clasped the kitten to his chest, and the wolf fur that fell on the bed rubbed against the black cat. In short, it was a black mass with several white circles, like two replicas, one large and one small.

The clean-loving cat spit out the wolf fur in his mouth very indignantly.


Sooner or later you will lose your hair and become bald.

"I don't have anything else to ask you, little guy." The black wolf brought it over, obviously it wasn't as simple as the question of whether the wolf's hair was not a wolf's hair, "You and that..."

"It is a holy beast, and it has a name called Yuanyuan." Edgar interrupted the black wolf with disapproval.

"...Where did you get this name from?" The black wolf glanced at him, "And the 'manifest miracle' you said earlier, when did it say its name? Why don't I know? ."

"It has a name anyway." Edgar has only taken what happened that night as his little secret.

"Okay." The black wolf opened his mouth, trying to learn the name, "Yuanyuan? It sounds like a female cat's name."

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