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The people outside the door didn't make a sound, just knocked on the door once. The movements were very slight, as if for fear of disturbing someone.

The door is locked, so you can't get in temporarily. Yu Yuan already had a faint guess in his heart.

The technician I saw during the day said that it was easy to send an email to contact him, and it was impossible to come to him so quickly... I don't blame him for thinking too much, but the biggest possibility is that the two blood clans before the door, or one of them.

After all, people will suddenly disappear, and everyone will feel strange. Of course, the first reaction is to look for them.

He has already made preparations. In all fairness, he doesn't particularly care about the bugs he has encountered in the past few days. At best, he feels distressed about the body trapped in the holographic cabin in reality, but this small problem has been comforted by the huge amount of gold coins he earned.

However, this does not mean that he is willing to continue to go back and fix the plot of "helping thousands of years old empty-nest vampires to raise newborn cubs", and even after this dungeon, he does not really want to play again.

"Boom, boom."

The knock on the door sounded again, slow and slow, full of patience.

If this room had a window, Yu Yuan should have jumped out of the window and ran away. But now, he can only quickly send a message to Ping Shanhai and technician A80, just in case.

Then, he exhaled, holding a heavy wooden staff in his hand, and stood silently at the door.

Since spell attacks are ineffective in the presence of powerful vampires, then...

Be prepared, he has long wanted to do it.

After knocking on the door three times, there was no new sound, the candles in the room were all extinguished, and there was only a projection from the corridor in the crack of the door.

Yu Yuan suspected that if the person outside the door was really what he thought, it was very likely that only Lambert was there. Based on his previous observations, if it was the prince, the door should have been broken by now.

He held his staff high, his eyes fixed on the doorknob.

The small door lock didn't do much, just as he imagined, the copper-colored handle began to turn slowly.

is coming.

He hid himself as far as possible on the other side of the door.

With a soft click, the lock was opened.

There was light in the darkness, and the door was slowly pushed open—

At this moment, Yu Yuan saw the tall figure that appeared, raised the wooden staff and slammed it down!

A real mage relies on physical attacks

In the blink of an eye, the unprepared people couldn't react in time, and they were hit by a sudden attack like this.

"Bang" sound.

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