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"Friend, what exactly are you planning?" Lin Ling finally couldn't help asking.

He had already witnessed the black wolf and the black cat walking all the way outside the game. Now that he has reached the depths of the Red Moon Forest, he will soon enter the range that belongs to the primeval forest.

Black Cat: "Just hang on like this, first make sure it can live here for a long time."

It cooperated with Lin Ling before, and replaced it with the real cat. It should be able to delay a lot of time before Edgar finds out the problem. And the reason why it firmly chooses to follow the black wolf is that it has heard of the dangers of the primeval forest, and the werewolves who enter here often do not go back.

At least it has to make sure that the black wolf has the possibility of surviving here before it can leave with confidence, otherwise there will still be a problem even if the NPC dies.

"Yes." Lin Ling was quite emotional, "It is also fortunate that the werewolf dungeon event ended yesterday, otherwise the two bosses, the white wolf and the black wolf, would never be played.

What did the black cat think of, "Is there any problem with the prince?"

The other party is also a dungeon boss.

It has probably been figured out now. One of the advantages of making a great world view in the game is that the frequency of each NPC is very low. A wild boss like Lambert will only appear once a month. It is like dealing with humans entering the territory. Check-in to work.

"It's okay, the prince is a dungeon boss, and the operation mode is different from others." Lin Ling probably explained the mechanism to him. For example, if some plots are triggered by a single player, the NPCs are independent of each other, but they are still public in the holographic game. There are many NPCs. After talking for a while, he finally concluded: "The most important thing is to ensure that he doesn't die, otherwise it will be a bit difficult for him to be resurrected after repairing."

The black cat nodded. It now has a deeper and deeper understanding of holographic games. It also knows that the difficulty is not in resurrection, but in that each NPC involves countless other NPCs. Death and resurrection will affect group memory.

"Ah, but I haven't told you about something." Lin Ling seemed to be thinking of something funny, "After the prince woke up, he made a lot of dolls of your character, and this time it seems that they still have the same height. "

"...Grass." Hearing this, the black cat couldn't help but scolded it in the game.

Waiting for a doll, this sounds too... The prince, the NPC, is too problematic!

"What's wrong?" Hearing the black cat meowing, the black wolf turned his head to look.

"..." Fortunately, all the sounds were cat meowing.

"Meow meow~"

The black wolf thought that it had been walking for too long. Although the cat was lying on its back and didn't need to walk, but watching the cat with a filter, it was very hard for such a weak cat to follow it on the road, so he said: "Here first rest for a bit."

The black wolf stopped, and the black cat jumped down.

The place where they stopped happened to be near a small river. The black wolf walked over, and the gurgling river was not deep. Under the sunlight, the river was very clear, as if you could see the stones at the bottom of the river at a glance.

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