166: Extra II (End)

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    The priest actually lived here.

    It is natural that Xiaofeng Civet is sick. The four monsters in this family are very clear, but Yu Yuan is not a doctor who treats monsters. The kitten can pretend to be realistic. The place where they were now was in the mountains. Yu Yuan searched for various herbs nearby according to his knowledge about monster cubs, and Kalai also accompanied him every time.

    Although Yu Yuan was also concerned about the external situation, after all, he was invited by King Durand, but because of the restriction of Kaleimer's silence, he had no chance to communicate with the outside world. He could only sigh occasionally and then think of a solution.

    After two days, the little wind civet couldn't pretend to be sick anymore, and pretended to be sick and had to drink very bitter medicine. Finally, I couldn't bear it anymore and told my father that I couldn't bear it.

    "Meow meow meow meow."

    My father has to rely on me to pretend to be sick to keep my mother, that is, you are incapable.

    Carle flicked on its little head to tell the little guy not to talk nonsense, but the kitten refused to pretend to be sick.

    So, the next day - Xiao Heilong fell ill.     Yu Yuan looked at the black cat that was alive and kicking today, and the little black dragon who was still alive and kicking

    yesterday and was so sick that he couldn't stand up in bed today, he was speechless, "Are you still an infectious disease?"

Standing next to him, "Anyway, you said that they will take care of them when they are sick, and you will leave when they are sick."

    In desperation, of course, there is a certain reason that Yu Yuan has not found any way to leave here, so Yu Yuan can only continue Take on the job of taking care of the little black dragon.

    He had slept with the cubs the night before, and it was convenient for him to take care of the sick cubs, but after midnight tonight, Carle said, "Sleep with me at night."

    Yu Yuan looked at him with a neurotic look. He said, "What are you going to do?"

    Carle opened his mouth and said, "Isn't it right for me to sleep with you?", but he could see that the priest was impatient with him, so he had to temporarily change his plan, gritted his teeth and said, "I am with you, with these three cubs. Sleep."



    Before waiting for the priest to say anything, the cubs protested collectively. They all knew that their father would crush them if they were not careful, and they were not at all careful and could not compare to their mother. .

    Yu Yuan understood the resistance of the cubs, and gave Kalai a "you understand it yourself" look. Kalai, who was pitted by the cubs, was so angry that he gritted his back molars, but he had no choice but to change back to the dragon shape and stay at the entrance of the cave. And on the soft bed in the cave, naturally only the priest took the cubs to sleep and told stories before going to bed.

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