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The identity of Duke Anderson is so high, and the manor he lives in is naturally very luxurious, but after such a fire, although the main body of the house is still there, the traces of the fire can still be clearly seen.

When a group of six people arrived near the manor in the suburbs, they could learn all kinds of rumors about Anderson Manor from the surrounding residents with little effort.

Not long ago, a fire broke out at Anderson Manor at midnight. The fire was too large to be extinguished in time. At that time, only the Duke family lived in the main house. The husband and wife and four children all died. The servants who lived in the side house were spared. in difficulty. During the investigation afterwards, it was found that apart from the fire, the death of some members of the family had other causes, so it was temporarily regarded as a case of robbery, murder, theft and arson.

But since it's a horror game and the family is the protagonist, the six of them are not surprised to hear various other rumors - for example, there are often ghosts crying in the old house in the middle of the night after the Anderson family's death, etc. Wait, there are even people who say that they have seen the return of the dead souls, and it is more and more evil.

However, when they came here during the day, there was nothing unusual about the six people except that they could see this dilapidated house and even smell some strange smells.

Bigger: "Find a way to get in first."

The door at the entrance of the manor was locked, but there was no one else nearby, so Bigger simply broke the lock first. Several people walked slowly to the front of the house.

Just as Bigger reached out and pressed the doorknob, a gust of wind passed by, and he couldn't help shivering. After pushing the door and entering, the hall inside not only has traces of scorching, but also accumulated a lot of dust.

"Can you really find things here?" Bigger was a little skeptical, "The general game routine is not to enter a haunted house and start asking players to search for clues. This haunted house was burned directly like this, I'm afraid not all the third floor will go up. Not going?"

"What the **** is the 'souling' required by the new mission... Hey, it's refreshed again!" Bigger just walked in and loudly reminded them all to watch.

Yu Yuan also clicked on his own task interface.

Originally, the quest interface that was refreshed once before only had the word [Spiritual], but now there are more specific quest requirements, I think it is because they came to the place.

[Please within 24 hours, summon the ghost of Alice Anderson and ask about what happened to the Anderson family. (Task countdown: 23h59min)]

[You pat me, I pat him, he pats him, he pats her... Hey, since when did one more person come out? 】

"... Four Corners Game?"

Yu Yuan and Hei Changzhi said the same thing almost at the same time, and they couldn't help but glance at each other.

"That's right, there is only this hint for us to summon ghosts," Paladin Morningstar also said: "It can only be this game."

After listening to them, Bigger scratched his head a little embarrassedly, "Well, what game is this, I haven't played it before."

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