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"Edith, you really gave me a big surprise." Fernando folded his hands on the table, staring straight at the person in front of him, "I told you to stop contacting 'Louis', you just give I made it like this?"

Yu Yuan smiled perfunctorily, "Accident, it's really just an accident."

Louis can come and go freely in the huge palace, and no one can stop him whether he wants to go or not, and now because of what he has done as a replacement for Fernando, rumors are flying in the palace, just as Lin Ling said before. Said that this group of Western aristocrats really have no morals to talk about, and there are many rumors that Fernando will marry the former queen - this does not seem to them to be an extremely unreasonable thing, but they all look like they want to see a good show.

Lin Ling: "Your ex-husband's coffin board really won't hold up anymore."

Yu Yuan could not wait to pull out Lin Ling and beat him, "There is no such thing!"

"That's right. After all, your ex-husband was lost because of the tip."

However, rumors are all rumors. For Yu Yuan, he can realize that there is a more important point - the appearance of Louis means that he is the common enemy of everyone else.

Thinking of this, the queen's face became a little ugly, and she said tentatively: "Your Majesty, about the monster..."

"Queen." Fernando cut him off.

"Huh?" Yu Yuan tilted his head.

"I mean, do you want to continue to sit in the queen's seat," Fernando coughed a little, his eyes dimmed, "It's not the Queen of Wales...it's me the queen."

Yu Yuan was dumbfounded.

Is the queen a job that can be inherited? If the last boss dies, can I continue to be the next boss? ! Come on, if you have a problem with your brain, you'd better take a look at it as soon as possible!

"Uh, is Your Majesty feeling unwell today?" Yu Yuan changed his self-confessed euphemism to replace "Your brain is not very good", "I can ask a doctor for you."

The ghost knows whether Fernando has any intentions because of this unexpected rumor or has something wrong with this queen before. I will definitely educate you on behalf of your brother Wells.

Lin Ling: "Good, treasure, I said you will definitely be the queen of the three dynasties."

Yu Yuan is very elegant and easy-going, "Be a **** big watermelon."

Although Louis mentioned that the original "he" had done something for Fernando, since he is now a role player, the final choice depends on him.

Fernando's eyes darkened, he opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but he didn't say anything, Yu Yuan took the opportunity to take over the topic, "What I want to discuss with you is only about Louis."

Hearing this, Fernando leaned back on the sofa and seemed a little tired, "Forget it, you can talk."

"That's right, Your Majesty, you should also know that Louis can change his appearance at will. At present, it seems that it should not be limited to human beings, and he also said that he will appear again in the near future..." Yu Yuan said with a face. Seriously start talking about your next plan.

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