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Yu Yuan understood.

The essence of the banquet was vaguely related to his previous guesses. In the game setting, the vampires turned humans into their kinsmen through the "first embrace" ceremony. The housekeeper's swaying attitude before, the "gift" the prince said was to turn him into a vampire too.

But on the one hand, he didn't know how the ceremony was carried out, whether he would be injured and then successfully offline; on the other hand, he didn't know if the game was forced to continue like this, whether it would affect him.

Holographic games have no direct damage to the body—but they do affect the brain, and there are few, if not all, negative examples.

Yu Yuan originally wanted to wait by chance, but now that the facts are in front of him, he has to consider whether he should try to leave now.

He leaned back against the railing and was in a trance, but at this moment, a man shouted from under the balcony: "The one above, come down!"

The voice was familiar, and he turned around subconsciously to see who it was. The next second, he felt the soles of his feet slip—

He fell straight forward and fell out of the balcony!

At the moment of weightlessness, Yu Yuan closed his eyes tightly, and this time was simply not enough time for him to cast spells. Fortunately, it is not high here, and when I landed, I was shocked and fell on the lawn.

This railing was set low, as if few people came, and there was moss growing in the corner. He just failed to notice the details.

Yu Yuan bared his teeth and grinned, resisting the pain, curled up on the ground, and two shadows fell in front of him.

He propped up his upper body to encourage him to look up, and saw that the two were Isaac and Hall who had met in the hall.

Isaac whistled: "That's right, it was indeed the one who Lambert brought."

Hall was still with his downcast eyes.

Yu Yuan stood up slowly, slapped the dust off his body, and tried to say hello, "Mr. Isaac?"

"Just call me by name. My last name is Tracy." Isaac grinned, holding a glass of blood. "Why are you here? Lambert let you out?"

Yu Yuan shook his head awkwardly: "I was waiting for him upstairs."

"Really?" Hearing this, Isaac stepped forward and leaned beside him, like a golden lion, lowered his head and smelled the smell, Yu Yuan subconsciously took a step back.

Isaac: "You don't smell like Lambert or Smollett."

You vampires still rely on the taste circle territory?

Yu Yuan thought about it, but still smiled friendly: "I was just brought here."

Isaac's eyes were dark and unclear: "Then you have to be careful, unowned and fragile things... are very dangerous here."

"Don't worry about it." Yu Yuan turned his head and took out his staff, wanting to summon the wind to go up directly.

Seeing his move, Isaac let out a chuckle: "Are you a mage? This is not a place where you can cast spells at will."

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