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For the two broken fire-type eggs, the black dragon can be said to have no guilt at all, and when the black cat forced it to stay away, he was still very angry, "What happened to the two eggs?! Just because of this, you won't let it go. I touch something else?"

The black cat has already given the other party the name of "Monster Egg Killer" in his heart. Naturally, he will not let the other party get close to him. He protects his eggs like a big cat who protects his prospective cubs, especially the three The only remaining Miao Miao fire attribute egg, "If you say let you go, you must go!"

Obviously, the black cat doesn't like the so-called "Aojiao" set, but only sees that the danger of the black dragon is really high, and staying near the egg is a hidden danger.

As for Heilong, he had consciously put down his body if he could bring something over, and he was quite dissatisfied when he saw that the other party didn't appreciate it at all. He turned his head and walked out of the cave with a snort, his stout tail was still quite dissatisfied and fluttered in the air. Not only did the black cat not hold back, but even jumped up and scolded you, can you control your tail?

Hearing this, Heilong became even more angry, and he couldn't turn his head to make a noise, so he could only leave heavy footprints on the ground when he left.

From the analysis of the depth of the footprints, the degree of its anger is also evident.

The cave was finally clean.

After turning back into a human, Yu Yuan turned around and settled the eggs, and now there are four who need special care from him - thunder, light, darkness, and fire. The fire attribute is a clear hatching idea, and it has become a separate priority to take care of. Yu Yuan casts flame magic around to ensure the temperature, and his body temperature also rises. And this fire attribute egg is almost half his height, and his arms can't even hold it in a full circle. When he sleeps at night, he can only put his hands on it, and he also covers the egg with a thin quilt.

Seeing this scene, Lin Ling started to act again, "Wuwuwu my poor little monster, who lost his father as soon as he was born and became a single-parent family."

Yu Yuan: "???"

"What kind of **** are you doing???"

"It's so pitiful, baby little fire, you didn't even have time to see your dad out of the shell, woo woo woo woo."

"Whoa, shut up, even if it hatches, it's my father, who else is there!" Yu Yuan, who has gradually raised the cub, said excitedly: "If you spread the rumors again, I'll beat you after get off work today!"

"Hey, Maomao, do you really like to develop games? It wasn't enough to develop a crown prince at the beginning, but now you've switched to raising monsters?"

It is naturally impossible for Yu Yuan to forget this crown prince - this is simply the worst situation he has encountered since playing the game. The cubs he cultivated are rounded up to be useless cubs, and he doesn't even want to mention them.

"Monsters are definitely more reliable than humans, and this time they were caught from a young age," Yu Yuan is now quite confident in himself, and he didn't even pursue the details of being called a cat by Lin Ling, "But then again, I really can't imagine these eggs. What can hatch? It can't be dragons of different sizes."

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