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The two parties at the ceremony were at a stalemate, and Yu Yuan was still waiting for him to bleed to death without swallowing a mouthful of blood from a vampire.

With this mouthful, he becomes an "immortal body".

Under the stage, black figures were intertwined, like a throbbing black swamp. As for the altar, it is different from the boundless beauty of the first embrace ceremony... The situation tonight is not the same as what most people imagined.

The housekeeper took off the monocle stuck on the bridge of his nose, and instead of being serious and cold, he added some softness. He coaxed in Yu Yuan's ear and said, "Stay forever, won't you?"

The tone seemed to be covered in honey icing, and the sip of the lips was sweet.

Yu Yuan, who was caught in the middle, seemed to be a child who gritted his teeth and refused to drink medicine. He ignored the hints in the housekeeper's words and said frankly, "I'm quite satisfied with my human identity."

The prince and Lambert looked at each other, and the former obviously wanted to try to take some coercive measures, as long as he could feed a few drops.

But Lambert's eyes are also very sharp, and if Smollett wants to enforce it, he will do it with him.

In this regard, the two positions are very opposite.

Lambert tactfully threw out other bait: "Immortal body, immutable face, powerful mana, inexhaustible treasure... everything, you speak, I can give you. "

Be my kin if you want.

Yu Yuan was silent for a while: "...Are you serious?"

"Any request." Lambert's eyes were firm.

There were still two teeth marks on Yu Yuan's body, bleeding out, gurgling and gurgling. Although it didn't hurt, it felt a bit like a punctured balloon leaking air.

"I have a request now." He coughed lightly and pointed to the dagger on the side, which was still stained with the blood of two blood races, "Equally treated, give it to me, okay?"

With a little more blood and a little more delay, he should be dead.

Perfect plan.

Hearing this, the prince seemed to understand something when he thought of his abnormal performance that night. He hunched closer and got closer, there was almost no distance between the two, and when he turned his head, the tips of his high noses seemed to be pressed together.

"You shouldn't...don't want to live." The prince's eyes were dark and deep like never before.

Yu Yuan hurriedly said: "No, I am..."

Under the watchful eyes of the two, he bravely edited it down: "I especially want to experience the feeling of being bitten in depth."

"Okay." The prince's pale but strong hands clasped him, as if pressing the keys one by one, groping forward step by step.

In the darkness, he leaned closer to Yu Yuan's left ear, and his laughing voice was as if ice cubes poured into the wine collided crisply, "Then become our kin..."

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