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The warm sun in the early morning passed, and it suddenly started to rain at noon. The rain gradually became heavier, and it seemed to be a particularly suitable day for sleeping.

At sunset, a torrential rain poured down.

When Yu Yuan woke up, Lambert was writing something with a quill pen, and a faint candle lit up a corner of the room.

He put down the pen and looked up, "Is it better?"

Yu Yuan nodded.

However, "he thinks it's fine" and "everyone thinks you're fine" are two different things. As soon as Yu Yuan saw that the other party wanted to take him out of bed, he quickly refused and stood up barefoot on the ground.

"Don't want to be hugged?"

Yu Yuan nodded frantically.

Lambert thought.

Then, under Yu Yuan's gaze... He pushed out a wooden wheelchair that someone had prepared from the corner.

Yu Yuan: "..." It's not necessary.

In the end is he playing the game or the game playing him.

He repeated reasoning, and then Lambert gave up his plan to keep his feet off the ground.

Then, they went downstairs to the dining room together.

Several servants shuttled between the halls, and when they saw the arrival of the two, they all withdrew, only Winnie was waiting by the side.

There are not many lights in the room, it is dim.

The things on the table looked like ordinary human food, only with a tinge of red.

There is no need to say much about the ingredients.

Winnie held the only normal-colored food in front of him, smiling with tiny fangs, "It's just for you."

Lambert's "Raising Guide" has been rethought and has now been further upgraded and improved, with new baby vampires added at Winnie's suggestion.

In a china plate, the small round cake was drizzled with cream and smeared with a little colorful frosting, which looked ordinary at first glance.

Yu Yuan stuck his fork in for a while, and then he almost thought there was something wrong with his eyes.

"Is it, is it shaking?"

He tried to stab it from another direction, and sure enough, the small cake quivered slightly with an imperceptible range, and a little powdered sugar was shaken off.

Really moving!

Lambert held the glass and said succinctly, "I hope you like this."

Winnie next to him added in a low voice: "This is a gift that little vampires will receive - to celebrate the first time they grow fangs after changing their teeth, and each vampire only has one in their lifetime."

The white icing in the center of the cake turned out to be in the shape of fangs.

I really treated him like a puppy.

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