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The other two couldn't argue, and finally the housekeeper decided: "Okay, don't wear it."

The prince shrugged and gave up.

There was only one leg ring missing. He didn't plan to use the earrings that needed ear piercings at first, and didn't want to leave any possible wounds on the other party's body.

By mistake, they reached a unity.

The housekeeper loosened his arms slightly, Yu Yuan stood up at once, fell into the prince's arms again, and was pushed to the mirror.

The three people's figures were projected in the six mirrors. No matter how eye-catching the silver-red ring on Yu Yuan's hand was, it couldn't be more eye-catching than the platinum ring on his ankle.

The prince put a hand on his shoulder from under the cloak, and said with admiration, "Perfect."

When he stood up, he could barely cover it, but once he sat down, the golden red circle was completely exposed.

The butler took out his pocket watch and glanced at it: "It's almost time."

The prince also put on a rose-shaped brooch for himself, and he took off a top hat from the coat rack, and picked up a cane with a silver snake head. The snake's eyes were also a little red.

He took Yu Yuan downstairs first, but the housekeeper had no intention of following.

I don't know when a luxury carriage was prepared at the door, and the two sat in one after another, but did not leave immediately.

After a while, just when Yu Yuan wanted to ask, the housekeeper who had stayed upstairs pushed the door open.

It was hard for Yu Yuan not to notice his new look.

The other party was originally wearing a three-piece vest, but at this time, he changed into a dark and complicated dress, with delicate dark patterns, meticulous back and gloves exposed under the cloak.

Even the silver-rimmed glasses were replaced with single-piece ones-Yu Yuan doubted that the game NPCs didn't have the term "myopia" at all, it was purely for dressing up.

At the same time, the four horses in front of the car strode forward.

There was a lot of space in the car, but the two of them seemed to have agreed to sit directly next to Yu Yuan.

Just as the person in the middle was about to protest, the housekeeper took out a brooch: "Just forgot about this."

This brooch is exactly the same as the one worn by the prince. It has a platinum gold rose base, a sword blade runs through the top and bottom, and the layered petals hold a shiny ruby.

The housekeeper helped him pin it on his shirt carefully. Yu Yuan couldn't help feeling a little familiar when he saw that he was wearing the same thing.

Seems like I've seen it somewhere...

Before he could come up with a clue, he heard the prince's instructions: "I can't take it off tonight."


The prince did not intend to explain: "Just do it."

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